
"Clara stood up"

lily: "whyyyy?"

Dante:*walked in at just the right time with the stuff*

"holy shit how'd you fall out of your chair? Trish hold the puppy"

*tosses her a puppy*

Trish:*fuckin dives to protect the puppy*

"Don't throw dogs Jesus also she stood on her own I spooked her and she fell,she looked like Bambi when she stood I had to make a reference cuz if I didn't I would have regretted not doing it."

lily:*standing again but wobbly*

"fuck you mam this is hard"

Trish:..."dante are you the anti Chist cuz she's cured"

Dante:"wrong bible reference but ok"

*supporting lily so she doesn't fall again*

Lily:"don't be mad but I got a super power that one time you left me with the lady with two different eyes"

Dante:"why would I be mad your better"

lily:(marry me dummy I'm literally giving up my sanity to be worthy of you.)

Trish:."were your boobs always that big?"

lily :.."puberty"

Trish:"well alright, on that note party let's get wasted"

Dante:"how bout no"

(Sorry I ain't letting anyone hit on this even if she's basically a baby deer learning to walk right now)

Trish: fine your right name something you always wanted to do but couldn't til now shoot.

lily:...(lily don't say something unreasonable this is a big moment but from what we know he may or may not be broke.)

Trish:..."I'll make lady take however much we spend off his debt he'll owe less cuz I can guilt trip her for this"

Dante:"holy shit thank you trish"

Trish:"your welcome I mostly did it cuz she's clearly worried about you again tho.bitch stop panicking he can't die"

lily:...(I'm in love with a immortal?...he's still my savior so fuck it I love him.)

"take my otaku ass to Japan then I can single handedly erase that debt on this trip all together."

Trish :"da fuck is a otaku?"

Dante:..."if were taking a vacation we need you to be able to not wobble so let's put that on hold"

Trish :"he gots a point"

lily:"I agree on this."

~a montage of her learning how to do shit most people can normally do at her age.as well as her doing a practicing cooking and housework shit on her own after the first montage.~

[to that awesome person who helped me find a cover page thank you you amazing. I gave the ship a puppy because I keep seeing fanart with Dante and a wolf I personally think him having a less macho dog is funny and adorable. I got this reference after watching kiss him not me as a joke,honestly I don't remember where the quotes actually from since it was a second hand account.]

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