
Seductions of the heart

Ry furrowed his brows as he looked around the quiet room. Jaden slept peacefully beside him, tucked snuggly against his chest. He carefully slipped his arm out from under her and adjusted the pillow under her head before slipping from the huge bed. He searched the room, quickly finding the pajama pants Russ had given him earlier. Even as low as they rode on his hips, they were still several inches too short for him. He chuckled silently as he headed for the door but paused as his hand rested on the knob. His gaze shifted to the adjoining room's door, instead. He glanced back to the bed and Jaden's sleeping body. Russ had not returned to the room as she had gotten her fill of him several times over and now he was beginning to understand why. He crept quietly across the room and pushed open the other door as silently as he could. His eyes searched the dark room, but he didn't see any sign of Russ until his foot hit something on the floor. Ry arched a brow as he glanced down to the ground. He frowned as he realized Russ had fallen asleep leaning against the dressing table by the adjoining door. "You sat and listened to all that, didn't you?" He grumbled sadly as he bent and scooped Russ up into his arms. "Why would you torment yourself in such a cruel way?"

Russ groaned. "Cause I deserve to suffer…" He muttered sleepily. "Put me down…"

"No way. You're a king, not a street urchin. You're sleeping in your own damn bed."

Russ began to struggle. "No… She don't want me… I'll only end up hurting her and making her cry again anyways… just leave me."

Ry wrestled him into the bed of the attached room, afraid he would drop him if he tried going any farther at the moment. "Stop, you're being ridiculous right now. Let me help you to bed." He glanced around the dark room. Sure enough, there were more empty bottles of wine by the door. "Russ, come on you're drunk. Let's get you to bed."

Russ flopped down on the bed Ry had set him on. "There, a bed… happy."

Ry rolled his eyes. "Sure… but you really should go share yours with your wife…"

Russ glared up at Ry with blurred vision. "Why? Maybe you should. She seems to want you more now anyways." He shouted as he rolled away from Ry.

Ry tugged him onto his back. "You're being very childish right now, you know that right?" When Russ only snorted and rolled back over, Ry laid down on the bed beside him. "Fine… then I guess I'm sleeping here tonight too… How do you think she'll feel in the morning when she wakes up to find us both sleeping separately from her?"

Russ glanced over his shoulder at Ry. "Why would you do that? Just go back in there."

Ry snuggled farther down into the bed and put his arms behind his head. "No…"

Russ rolled over and shoved him away. "Yes, go on. She wants you, not me."

Ry caught his hands, pressed them against his bare chest, and held his unsteady gaze. "And I want you… not necessarily her… until tonight I'd never given her a second thought… though I have to admit there is something about the girl that makes her very likable and possibly even loveable."

Russ let out a sigh. "She's very likable… and loveable when she wants to be… but when she doesn't want to be she can be a worse ice queen than Jos…"

Ry cupped his face. "Then let me be what both of you need… what you both want. She needs a gentle lover, and you can't give that to her right now… but I'm willing to take all that you are and all that you can dish out. Hurt me… I don't care, I can heal myself after… but stop hurting her…"

Russ nodded. "I got too carried away tonight… but… it felt…" His face heated, and he pulled away from Ry's grip in embarrassment. "Let's just get some sleep… we're both drunk…"

Ry tugged him onto his back and brought his face back around to meet his. "It felt good. You liked the way my ass squeezed your dick. You liked watching the way my cock slid in and out of Jaden right in front of your face… Had you been able to control yourself, you would have loved being able to be inside me while touching and feeling her body, kissing her lips, sucking her tits, even fingering her pussy if you'd wanted to…" Ry glanced down noticing Russ's cock twitch to life with his words. "See… you like the idea, yes?"

Russ shrugged. "Of course, what man wouldn't…"

"Then learn to love her properly… learn to love us properly."

Russ furrowed his brows.

Ry groaned. "Close your eyes."

Russ chuckled drunkenly. "Fine, but whatever point you're trying to prove will probably be lost on me once I close my eyes… cause imma pass back out."

Ry leaned closer and lowered his voice to a seductively husky purr. "That's fine, if you fall asleep, I'll stop. Just keep them closed… for now anyway."

Russ shrugged. "Fine… whatever… just remember, you promised to stop whatever you're planning if I fall asleep." He squinted out from one eye. "I better not wake up with a sore asshole in the morning.

Ry couldn't hold back a chuckle. "You wouldn't. I'll not force you to bottom for me until you're ready."

Russ peaked out from an eye again. "I'll never be ready for that." He scoffed.

Ry smirked. "We'll see. Now close your eyes."

Russ did as he was told, but Ry waited only watching for the longest time. Russ furrowed his brows but didn't open his eyes. "Well?"

A smirk curved Ry's lips as he moved a finger over and faintly traced the tip over Russ's nipple. He pressed himself up onto his elbow and began tracing the other nipple with the tip of his tongue, avoiding grazing his body with any hint of facial hair. As moans and groans of pleasure began to echo through the room Ry intensified his administrations dropping precautions as Russ's pleasures built. As he moved himself between Russ's thighs and took his cock into his mouth. He began preparing himself with his other hand. He was no longer surprised when Russ's rough grip tangled into his hair. Nor was he shocked when the same hand began pressing his head down as Russ's hips thrust almost painfully upward. Ry's eyes watered as the back of his throat was assaulted over and over again.

Ry struggled more than he expected to loosen Russ's hold on his hair, but once he did, he straddled his hips. "Keep your eyes closed." He whispered in a low husky tone as he lowered himself onto Russ's waiting cock. He'd barely gotten the tip inside before Russ was thrusting violently upward. Ry pressed Russ's hips down onto the mattress. "Not so fast. Let me… I'm not typically a bottom… but for you, I will be… so, this hurts for me. You have to be easy." He watched as Russ furrowed his brows in frustration. Russ's hands moved to clasp his thighs, but he used his strength to maintain his own pace. "We're going to take this slow whether you want to or not."

Russ let out an animalistic growl but kept his eyes closed and remained still.

Ry smiled as he took more of him in. "So, you can listen… good boy." He began rocking his hips in a circular, up-and-down movement. He watched as Russ's lips curled back over his teeth and the canines began to extend. He arched a brow. "Does that mean you like it or that you don't? I can change what I'm doing but no faster or rougher, alright?"

Russ dug clawed fingers into Ry's thighs. "So tight…" He growled.

Ry tilted his head back as he continued moving. "Yeah well… like I said, I'm not typically a bottom. This is like the third or fourth time I've ever bottomed… and considering my age and experience… that's saying a lot." He moaned as Russ's cock pressed against his prostate causing his own cock to jerk with need. "It does feel damn good if that makes a difference… definitely worth the wait…" He moaned again as he struggled to finish the last of his words. His eyes widened in shock, however, and his movements froze when glowing red eyes popped open from below him.

More animal than man, Russ quickly flipped Ry backward off the top of him. He grabbed hold of his ankles, long claws sinking into the tender skin there as he pushed Ry's legs into the air. He pushed himself deep inside him with one rough thrust. "No more slow." He growled.

Ry stared at him in stunned disbelief. "The fuck?! Ok just chill… We can go faster…" Russ must not have been getting what he wanted out of the position because the next thing Ry knew he was being flipped over onto his knees and driven into from the back. Sharp claws dug into his hips pulling him hard against the deep, intense thrusts. "Hey, wait! That hurts! Ah hell!" Ry groaned as rough clawed hands pressed his shoulders down into the mattress. "Well, this is new…" He grumbled. He bit down on his bottom lip and tried his best to relax his backside against the pounding he was getting. Soon enough the pulsing of his prostate had his cock ready to bust. He maneuvered his hand under his body and began stroking himself, but Russ's actions caught him off guard once again. A clawed hand sank into his hair and yanked his head upward bringing Ry up onto his knees. Another clawed hand clasped his throat tightly as sharp teeth sank into his shoulder. Hot semen spirted deeply inside him egging on his own release. He crumpled forward on shaking arms. "Holy fuck…" He glanced over at Russ, but to his surprise, the kid was out cold… fast asleep already. "What the hell was that?" He flopped over onto his back and ran his hand over his face then through his hair. "You just mark me as your wolf mate then pass back out? How the fuck are we going to explain that one to a shit ton of other werewolves?" He shook his head as he stared over at Russ's sleeping face. He looked so young and innocent, no sign of the beast remained. He shook his head again as he stood on wobbly legs and scooped Russ up into his arms. He quietly carried him through the adjoining door and placed him into bed with Jaden, before heading to the bathroom. He quickly cleaned himself up and then came out with two warm washcloths and a towel. He cleaned Russ up first, surprised when he didn't make a sound. Then he shifted his attention to Jaden. She moaned and her eyes flickered open as he gently wiped away any remaining traces of semen and lube. "Sorry, to wake you." He whispered. "I didn't want you to be uncomfortable as you slept or to feel nasty when you woke up…" His eyes held hers. "Now that you're awake… would you want a bath? I can run you water…"

She shook her head, holding her hands out. "Come to bed. We can in the morning."

He let out a sigh. "I'll be to bed in a bit…"

She tilted her head. "Problems sleeping?"

He nodded as he clenched the washrag in his hands. "I can't help but feel guilty about all this."

She slid beside him and placed a hand on his. "Don't be. You have no reason to be." She tilted her head to the side. "You know what… Maybe I'll have that bath after all."

He tilted his head to the side, studying her. "Really?"

She nodded. "Yes. I still feel a bit sticky… You're right. It will be hard sleeping now that I feel it… besides… baths always help me sleep when I'm stressed."

He nodded and pushed away from the bed. "I'll go run you some water."

She watched as his large frame stalked toward the bathroom. Even his back was covered in scars and tattoos. Among those scars was a new one… the mark of a wolf… There was no denying more had happened between him and Russ once she'd fallen asleep. She bit her bottom lip. She couldn't blame Russ for getting carried away and marking him… The man was a walking work of art. Perhaps she'd mark his other shoulder… Her eyes roamed over his front as he made his way back toward her. Oh yes… She definitely would mark this man as well…

"It's ready. Do you need help?"

She sent him a sweet smile as she nodded her head. "Yes, please… I'm afraid my legs are still a little weak."

Ry lifted her and carried her into the bathroom. He sat her down in front of the full tub, but instead of getting in, she turned to him and placed a palm against his chest. He watched as her cheeks colored, and she shyly tried to hide it by pressing her face against his chest.

"Join me…" She whispered. Her timid eyes met his. "Help me wash, please."

Ry swallowed hard as he nodded. He stepped in first then held his hand out for her. Once she was in, he lowered into the water and helped her between his legs. He tied up her hair with a tie that was hanging on a hook. Then he awkwardly soaped up the luffa and began washing. "Is this alright? It's not too rough?"

"Um… It feels good." She frowned as she wiggled against him, realizing he wasn't hard at all.

He reached around her holding the luffa out. "Would you like to do your front?"

Jaden leaned back against his chest as she let her arms drop to her sides. Her eyes held his as she waited for him to continue.

Ry cleared his throat as he dipped the luffa in the warm water before pressing it back to her body with slightly trembling hands. "Is… is this ok?"

Jaden smiled up at him as she turned in his lap. She ran her hands over his chest before cupping his face. "You don't have to hold back so much. I'm just as much yours now as you are Russ's… We are all together the three of us, yes? Is that what you want?"

Ry cleared his throat again. "I… um… I…"

Jaden lowered her head and placed a kiss on the fresh bite mark on his shoulder. "You know what that means, yes?"

Ry nodded, embarrassment coloring his entire face and neck. "Sorry."

She smiled. "There's nothing to be sorry for…" She shifted to his other shoulder. "I only want to know if you are serious about what you said to me earlier while we were together… or were those empty words said in the heat of passion? Do you really want to be mine as long as I want you?"

Ry nodded. "I do… but you do not know how long you want me yet… based solely off one night together…"

She arched a brow. "You threw yourself off a cliff for me, you are giving me your seed, we shall have a child together god's willing, you are the kindest man I've ever met… I'm willing to say I may even fall in love with you before everything is done and said… I'm sure of it…"

Ry stared up at her reading the honesty of her words in her eyes. He tilted his head to the side giving her better access to his neck. "Then I'm yours, do as you wish." He winced as sharp teeth sank into his flesh, his cock springing to life once again, and her thighs settled around his waist. He let out a moaned sigh. The song hadn't been a lie, there really was no rest for the wicked. 

mini Ry sex spin-off lol

is it important to this main storyline... no but will it be a large part of a future spinoff I have planned, YES!

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts
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