
If it makes you happy

CHAPTER 110: If it makes you happy

Russ rushed across the back lawn as soon as Ry broke through the wood line of the walking trail. His eyes widened as he took in the traces of blood on the white dress Jaden was wearing and the light jeans Ry was still wearing. His brows furrowed more when he noticed Ry's shirt was now missing, and they were both soaking wet from head to toe. "What happened? Are you guys alright?!"

Ry's eyes moved around the palace guards that had positioned themselves around the backyard and entrances. He blew out a heavy sigh as he nodded toward the rear doors. "Come on… We'll talk inside…"

Russ followed nervously until Ry began climbing the stairs to the third floor. His eyes moved uncomfortably to Jaden, hurt and uncertainty reflecting in them as he stammered, "I'll just wait in the library, I guess…"

Ry nudged his head toward the stairs. "Nah, just come on up. We need to talk right now… No point in waiting…" He sent Jaden a pointed smirk. "Don't worry, Jaden doesn't mind. Do you?"

Jaden blushed as she used his large frame to hide her face. "N…no… it's fine…"

Russ moved forward cautiously. "Alright, if you're sure…"

Ry chuckled as he watched Jaden's confidence from the cliffs vanish slowly with each step. "Having a change of heart, My Queen?" He whispered.

Jaden shook her head as a blush colored her cheeks. When he sent her a look that seemed to be more teasing than questioning she reached out and gave the nipple ring a quick tug and twist causing him to groan. Though she could still feel the flush of her own cheeks she pushed out the tip of her tongue and sent him a smirk, all the while studying the studdle changes to his expression, breathing, and heartrate as she relaxed into his gentle embrace.

Ry narrowed his eyes pointedly down at her. "Russ, you know that conversation we had earlier, I think I may have just discovered the perfect solution… a happy ending for everyone."

Russ stumbled over a step, nearly choking on his surprise. "The… the thing we were talking about earlier? The question… I had err-earlier?" His skeptical eyes moved from Ry's wide back to Jaden's sopping wet dress dangling from his arms. A new thought dawned. His eyes quickly widened as alarm replaced surprise. "Ry, what the hell did you do?"

Ry paused momentarily at Russ's accusing tone. "Me? Nothing… For once I'm not to blame…"

"You are kind of to blame…" Jaden muttered.

Ry arched a brow down at her, but then shrugged. "Only partly, then…" 

"What? What happened?" Russ insisted as he rushed up the steps ahead of them.

Ry stopped, threw his head back, and squeezed an eye closed before he looked around the many guards still staring up at them from below. "Not here, not now… We're making a scene. We should wait until we're in the bedroom first."


No sooner had the bedroom door shut and Ry had gotten Jaden's feet planted on the ground; Russ jerked the giant man around to face him. His fingers dug into Ry's thick forearm causing the muscle to bulge around his grip. "What the fuck did you do?! Fucking tell me now! Stop playing around!"

Jaden furrowed her brows as she pushed her way between them. She glared angrily at Russ. "He saved me, that's what he did! So, let go! Stop trying to hurt him. Why is it always straight to anger and cussing with you?!"

Russ's hand fell away, and his look of worry and anger was replaced by defeat. "Jaden… Why are you mad at me? What happened then? Just talk to me."

Ry ran his hand through his damp hair as he stepped away and plucked her robe from the dressing table. He carried it into the attached bathroom while they continued to bicker in the bedroom. He began filling the bath with warmer than normal water as he looked around for any kind of bath oils or bubbles to add. Once he was happy, he glanced back into the bedroom. The two were still at one another's throats like two literal animals about to rip each other apart. He blew out an exhausted sigh as he walked back into the room and held his hand out to her. "Please, save this for after you bathe and change… You're going to get sick…"

Jaden blew out an irritated sigh as she allowed Ry to lead her to the bathroom. She paused and turned arching her back out toward him. "Could… could you help me with this? One of the maids helped me get it on… As you can imagine I didn't plan on taking it off…" She sent Russ a glare.

Ry nodded as his thick fingers fumbled with the tiny, delicate zipper. "I'm not the best at this…" He muttered. "You might want to ask-"

"No, it's fine…" She continued glaring at Russ as Ry worked awkwardly.

Ry finally stepped back as he brushed his hair back. "There… Best I can do…" He'd unzipped it until the crack of her ass had come into view, then he'd immediately stopped. He glanced nervously over at Russ who continued to stare at Jaden like his favorite toy was choosing to be played with by someone else. "Fuck…" he muttered under his breath.

Jaden arched her brows in question as she pushed the clinging wet gown off her shoulders. "What was that?"

Ry shook his head as he averted his gaze. "Nothing, take your time… I'm going to talk to him myself first…" When Jaden didn't say anything and only stepped out of the gown and into the bath, Ry shook his head and closed the door.

Russ crumpled into the armchair the second the bathroom door was closed. "What the fuck was that all about? Since when was my wife more comfortable with you… more protective of you than me?"

Ry walked over and poured them both drinks from the decanter sitting on the desk. "She tell you what happened tonight?"

Russ nodded. "She said you jumped over the cliffs after her… I'm putting a fucking wall up around that fucking thing, I swear!" Russ muttered as he took the drink.

"Did she tell you why she jumped?"

Russ shook his head. "No." He sent Ry a sarcastic laugh. "Don't get me wrong, you took a while in there… I thought you were going to take a shit or something… but no… She just said you followed her over the cliffs… and me being me didn't give her a chance to explain…" He blew out a sigh. "I'm such a piece of shit…"

Ry kicked his drink back finishing it all at once, then set the empty glass down on the table. "You're not… You're just still so young… You both are." He pulled the other armchair directly in front of Russ and sat down in it. He clasped both of Russ's thighs just above the knees. "I don't know if I fucked up tonight or not… It's up to you to decide."

Russ's eyes widened. "You saved her. How could you even say you fucked up doing that?!"

Ry shook his head. "No… not in saving her but by something else… I said something I shouldn't have… I told her I could do something I shouldn't have said… but she was so desperate at the time… I probably would have said or agreed to damn near anything…"

Russ nodded. "I can understand that, definitely given the situation… so what was it…"

Ry held his gaze. "Russ… She wants a baby…"

Russ nodded. "Yeah, I know… Trust me, I know…" He shrugged. "According to the doctors, it's just not in the cards for us though, no matter what methods we try."

Ry set back and ran his hands through his hair. "What if I told you there is a way for her to have a baby… But it wouldn't be yours."

Russ shrugged. "At this point, if it's what she wants, and it would keep her from yeeting herself off another fucking cliff then sure… bring it on."

Ry's eyes pleaded with him. "Surely you don't mean that."

Russ furrowed his brows. "What am I missing here? Why do you seem so stressed out about this? What did you promise her?"

Before Ry had a chance to answer the bathroom door opened, and Jaden stepped out. She clutched the silk robe around her as she walked toward them. No more than four paces from them, she stopped and released her hold on the robe letting it fall to the floor at her feet.

Ry's eyes nearly popped out of his skull before he quickly snapped his head back around to Russ and the glass in his hand. Snatching it, he growled. "Give me that! I'm going to need this way more than you tonight!" He threw it back in one quick gulp. He tossed the empty glass back to Russ and quickly shot to his feet. He slowly and calmly walked over to Jaden, bent at Jaden's feet and made short work of scooping up the garment and wrapping her back up with as much care as possible. "Please, I beg… if I have to on my knees… let's talk about this first…" He muttered as he tied the sash into a loose bow.

Jaden tilted her head studying him as she watched him work. "Alright…" Testing his reactions she ran her hands over his. She smiled when he flinched. "For some reason, I thought they would be rougher…" Her gaze moved to his pants and her hand followed. "You realize you're still wet…" She slid a finger along the top of the loose-fitting jeans that rode low on his now slimmer frame before tracing the cold metal of the button. She bit into her bottom lip as her gaze moved up to meet his. 

He gently caught her hands as his cock jerked. "Oh, dear gods! None of that!" His frantic gaze moved back and forth between the couple who were now both staring at the large bulge in the front of his jeans. He swallowed hard as his cock jerked again of its own volition. "Ah fuck…" He carefully clasped both of her upper arms and ushered her over to the seating area. "Talk first…"

Russ cleared his throat as he stood and walked over to one of the chests in the room. He pulled out a pair of thin pajama bottoms and tossed them to Ry. "They probably won't fit you, but…"

Ry's eyes moved between the two. "It's fine… I'm fine. Let's just… say what needs to be said…"

Russ shook his head. "No need… I think I get the gist. Basically, you can knock her up, right?" When Ry only stared in shock, Russ continued. "How long would it take? Like would it be supercharged godly cum or something?"

Ry released his hold on Jaden and crashed into the armchair. He stared blankly at Russ for a long while. "You… you're alright with this?"

Russ shrugged. "I don't know… Maybe. Do I get to be a part of it? Can we have like a three-way?"

"Fuck…" Ry collapsed against the seat. "You… want… a threeway… with me?" He stared up at the ceiling for several long seconds before turning his head to Jaden. "And you're ok with this? You could handle, after everything you've been through, sex with the two of us at once?"

Jaden stared down at Ry. "I have had multiple partner sex before. It was not my favorite… but I really want a child… and I feel like with you it would not be so rough or scary…"

Ry closed his eyes as he blew out a sigh. He shook his head as he laughed. "Never in a million…" He muttered.

Jaden stepped closer. "So, is that a yes?"

Ry peaked through one shimmering green eye up at her. "Yeah… that's a yes… Let me go wash all the blood and saltwater off first." He sat up, his gaze moving between the two. "While I'm gone you two should probably talk this out… see what the two of you want out of it. I'm fine with whatever you decide, alright, so don't worry about me." He waited until they both nodded in agreement before pushing himself up from the seat and heading toward the bathroom. He paused by the desk and grabbed the decanter. "I'm going to need this, I think…"

Russ blushed as he ran a nervous hand over his hair. "I've never had a threeway…"

Ry could feel his cock jerk harder against the clinging material of the wet jeans as he swallowed hard. He tightened his hold on the bottle in his hand before setting it on the table and pushing it toward the edge. "You guys finish this one…" He turned toward the cabinet and began rummaging through it. "You might want to run down to the kitchen for some normal drinks and snacks first too…"

Russ arched a brow. "Do we need all that?"

Ry snagged two bottles of wine and another decanter of whiskey. He placed the wine bottles on the desk with the first decanter and clasped the other decanter tightly before turning and nodding to Russ. "Yeah… you will if you're planning on fucking a titan…"



It's all about consent and planning when it comes to these kinda things kids... Now to see how that goes ;D

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts
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