
A Better View

Russ sucked in a long breath of the heavy sea air as he made it to the top step of the ferry. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He walked over to where Jaden was leaning against the rails looking out at the passing landscape. He leaned against the rails beside her and drew in another long breath, a smile curving his lips. "You don't get waters this clear in the U.S, that's for sure..."

Jaden turned her attention away from the rapidly passing island and water below and studied him. "I suppose this is all new to you as well..."

Russ nodded. "Yeah, I was three when we left here... so... I guess most of it is all new." He shrugged as he turned and rested his back against the rails. "Ry and I have made rushed around some of the islands, but it's all been on business..." He glanced away as he brushed his wind-tousled hair away from his face. "Maybe you and I could look around Athens while we're at the Embassy... and maybe check out some of the other islands on our way back home..." His eyes met hers doing his best job at sad puppy eyes and a charming smile. "It will be my birthday in a few days after all..."

Jaden looked back out over the waters. "I see no reason we can't explore Athens while we're there, but do you really think it would be wise to stay away from the palace longer than necessary?"

Russ let out a sigh. "I suppose not... Maybe some other time then." He turned and forced his attention back out to the waters. "Have you always been so dutiful?"

Jaden nodded. "I was raised to one day take my place beside the head of a clan." A light giggle escaped her. "My parents and tutors would be beside themselves now if they were to meet you."

His brow raised as he risked a glance. "They were that strict?"

"Yes... I'm sure after reading your father and mother's journals, you have learned how many years go into the training and planning of pure bloods like us... How much you are behind..."

A frown curved his lips. "I realize I'm not suited for this role... I realize I have a lot of work to cover to make up the difference, and I'd love to tell you I'm a fast study... but it would be a lie..." He ran his hand over the back of his neck. "I can just hope my newfound devotion to my people will be enough to cover what I lack."

"It is a start, I suppose... I've known rulers with far more education who was not driven by the right reasons... You will have an upper hand over them." Jaden said. "You also have a strong support system, it would seem..."

He laughed awkwardly. "Yeah... Whether I want them or not..."

She glanced around. "Speaking of which, where is your friend?"

Russ shrugged. "Probably down below eating or sleeping. Now that the largest threat of danger is out of the way, he's much more relaxed... plus I guess he'll be leaving before long..."

His words caught her by surprise. "Leaving?"

"Hum... yeah... In truth... I'm going to miss him..." He quickly turned to her. "DON'T tell him that! That big idiot will never let me live it down if you do!"

She giggled again. "I won't, promise." She held up her pinky, but her smile quickly faded, and the light glow of her eyes began to cloud over with her usual stoic expression. She let out a sigh as she lowered her hand. "Old habits... Gwen used to make me pinky promise all the time..."

Understanding her sudden change of mood, Russ snagged her and lifted it. He hooked his pinky around hers and pulled it to his lips. "Then, in her memory, I too will pinky promise... I promise I'll do what I can to help you move past the pain and horrors my uncle inflicted on you and your family. I'll do my best to be a good partner to you and work hard to be someone you can one day be proud of."

Her breath caught and a lone tear slipped down her cheek as she stared dumbfounded up at him. She quickly pulled her hand free and looked away. "Thank you... but as I've said before, you owe me nothing. My life was destined to be that of hell from the very beginning. The man I was supposed to marry was nearly as vile as your uncle..."

Russ frowned. "Is he still alive?"

She shook her head, feeling a cold chill settle over her body. "I have no idea."

He gripped the railing, fighting against the urge to pull her into his arms. "You know Peg would probably be able to find out, if you'd like to know..."

"No... I think I'd rather not know... I'd rather him continue to think me dead than risk learning I live..."

He watched as a light, barely noticeable tremble shook her hands. He reached out and placed his hand over hers. "You know, even if he found out somehow, we would protect you... I would protect you..." He waited but she didn't reply. He let out a heavy sigh as he released his hold on her hand. "What do you say we go find Ry and grab some lunch?"


"Ah, how I haven't missed this place..." Ry grumbled as they made their way through the Embassy.

Russ shook his head as he took Jaden's hand. "I'm surprised they didn't arrest us the second we walked through the doors after what happened last time we were here."

Ry chuckled. "It's still early..."

Jaden's eyes widened as she whispered. "What happened the last time you were here?"

Russ sent Ry's back an irritated glare. "My shitty bodyguard slash mentor decided to teach me the art of breaking and entering and improper interrogation tactics."

"Worked, didn't it?" He replied sending them both a wink. "Ah, here it is." He pushed open one of the many doors lining the hall. "Andy, how's it going?!" He called out as he stepped inside without knocking.

Andy jumped, her back facing the door as she leaned against her desk. Her face burned a bright red as she turned to face them. "I um... you... uh... should have called ahead. I could have scheduled my break better..."

Ry arched a brow as he looked around the room catching slight movement from under her desk. "Oh, I was sure this was your usual lunch hour... oh well... We're just here to drop these off." He handed her the stack of papers he had tucked under his arm. "If you have any questions about these, it looks like we'll be here for a few days. They are having us answer some more questions about the Marcus think."

"Oh... ah... ok..." Her nervous gaze moved from him to the papers but not before dropping to the floor beside her first.

Ry narrowed his eyes at the desk stacked high with files and other office supplies. "Well... I guess we'll be going then... If there's nothing else..."

"Oh... um no... That's it for now... I'll call the room or stop by if there's anything else." She sent Russ and Jaden a quick wave. "Nice to see you again... and meet you... Um... maybe later we can meet properly... When I'm not... working..." Her nervous eyes struggled not to move to the floor.

Ry let out a heavy groan as he rolled his eyes. "Enough, Peg just come out already."

"What?!" Andy's hands flew to her mouth has her normal dark mocha completion turned ghostly pale.

Movement sounded and another gasp sounded in the room as a white head came into view. Jaden took an involuntary step toward Russ, her hand finding his arm.

Peg straightened to his full height. A wide smile spread across his face as he licked the corner of his mouth with the tip of his tongue. "How rude you are, brother, interrupting a man while he's eating his lunch."

Ry shook his head. "I think I preferred it when you were pretending to be gay... At least then when I walked in on the two of you, you pretended to be embarrassed."

A smirk spread across Peg's lips. "Yes, well after all those years of pent-up frustrations and holding back I decided to explore things..." He tugged his wife into his arms causing her to squeak out in surprise. "What can I say I liked what I found..." His lips found hers in a passionate kiss.

Ry rolled his eyes. "Alright not in front of the kids." He grumbled as he turned and ushered Russ and Jaden out of the office. "Maybe next time hang a sock or something on the damn door."

"What's the fun in office trysts if there's no chance of getting caught?" Peg called after him.

Ry shook his head. "Just go over the papers already... We'll be in the room when you're finished!" Ry slammed the door and made his way back down the hall, not waiting on Russ and Jaden.

Russ took her hand and led her down the hallway to the elevators behind Ry. "At least we're on the guest floor this time and not the 'guilty until found guilty' floor." He mumbled as they waited inside the elevator.

"We wouldn't have been moved down to the guilty floor had you not wrecked the better portion of the floor we were staying on the last time..." Ry bit out as the elevator came to a stop and the door opened. He didn't waste any time stepping out into the hall.

Jaden's curious eyes moved from Ry departing back to Russ.

"I'll explain later..." Russ mumbled. He released her hand as they stepped inside the suite. He looked around as Ry made his way straight to the refrigerator and pulled out a cold bottle of water. "Your bags are probably already in a room..." He nodded down the hall of the familiar floor plan as he made his way to the last room. Pulling open the door and stepping inside it, he gathered his bag. "I'll move this to the other room... Um... make yourself comfortable and let me know if you need anything..." He ran his hand over the back of his neck as he turned back toward the door. He paused as he stepped into the doorway. "Well... I guess I'll be in the living room..."

"Russ..." Jaden called out as he began pulling the door closed.

His head quickly snapped around, eagerness reflecting in his eyes even though he tried his best to hide it. "Yes?"

She tilted her head. "Thank you..."

He stepped back into the doorway. "For what? I haven't done anything."

She glanced around the room. "For being so considerate of my needs."

"Oh... um yeah, any time. Just let me know if you need anything." He moved to close the door again.

"There is one thing..."

"Yeah?" He asked freezing his movements.

"Where will you be sleeping? I noticed there are only two rooms..." She searched his expression, noting the slight blushing of his cheeks. "Don't worry about me. I think the couch pulls out into a bed... Um... have a goodnight..."

She pursed her lips but didn't stop him again as she watched him close the door softly behind him. "What a strange guy..." Her attention moved back to the luggage in the corner. She rolled it over to the bed and lifted it onto the mattress before opening it. Her fingers traced the silky fabric of a dress shirt on the top of the clothes inside as her brows knotted together. Less than a month ago, she'd had no earthly possessions, sitting chained to a wall in a cold, dark cellar that could give the worst circle of hell a run for its money. "Now..." She lifted the blouse and studied it. "Now, I'm about to be crowned as queen of a land I've never known... and married to a many that may never see me as a wife... Psh... What rotten luck..." She tossed the silk shirt back into the luggage as she flopped down onto the bed and laid back, staring up at the ceiling. "I suppose it's better than Breki... and death itself would have been better than that cell... but still... I wonder..." She let out a long sigh as she lifted her left hand into the air and stared up at the massive ring resting on her ring finger. "What will life be like with you, Prince Boosilis? What are you really like?"

A few days in a hotel room with just Russ, Jaden, and Ry... what could possibly go wrong?! lmao

Also Peg...

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts
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