

"She's ruthless." The Emperor chuckled when he saw Xueyue twist her body to drive a full-force kick into a poor woman's head. Xueyue didn't give Wen Yaoqin time to recover before she delivered swift side-kicks, one after the other, on both sides of the latter's body in random blows.

"Well, she's in a household with two growing boys. I wouldn't be surprised if one of my nephews taught her something," the Empress responded with a slight smile.

Xueyue's opponent didn't stand a chance. When the opponent grabbed Xueyue's leg, halting her kicks, she maneuvered her entire body into a high kick from the chin up, forcing Wen Yaoqin's head to whip back.

"At the least, she should be conserving her energy for the next two rounds to come," Imperial Consort Gu Feiying commented while shooting her son a pointed look. 'Do you really want to marry a violent woman like that?'

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