

The bottom floor of the school had random zombies dotted around, they kept popping out of open classrooms and random corridors but it was like Sua and Eva had been completely wired to react to their random appearances and quickly kicked them out of the way before running to the stairs and almost tumbling through the doors, slamming them shut behind us and then sliding a plank of wood through the handles.

The sound of another door flying open with a loud though echoed thud the corridor we were stood in.

"Eva! Sua! You're back!" a boy yelled, he had really messy red hair that just flopped to one side of his head.

"Hello Lance," Eva smiled at the boy.

"Where were you, we thought you may have been stranded," Lance exhaled as if he was holding on his breath for hours.

"No we just ran into a little trouble," Sua snapped, pushing past them quickly, "I'm going to sleep."

"Jesus, no need to be so bitchy," another voice piped in, following that was a bunch of other people, all boys. One I recognised.

"Who's that?" a new voice asked.

"She's-" Eva started before being interrupted by the boy I recognised.

"Willow." Zion told them.

"You know her, Zion?" Lance asked.

"She just joined my school," he replied, shrugging and then disappearing back into the classroom he came out of.

"Yes she's Willow. I brought her back because she saved us and I wanted to return the favour," Eva told them. Everyone sighed. I could tell they didn't approve of this at all. Realising I had my blade out still, I quickly put it away and patted myself down.

We moved into the classroom that the boys had come out of and I sat beside a window staring out over the dark landscape as everyone argued behind me. The zombies on the other side of the fence knew we were here, I don't know how, but they knew. How long would that fence hold and keep these people safe?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone's hands went barrelling down in front of me.

"Listen here, you're to be out within the morning," the guy who spoke earlier (not Lance or Zion) told me. He was definitely one of those 'I don't care' or 'I'll speak my mind no matter what' people. I couldn't help but raise a brow at his attitude, it was a habbit.

"Back down Eugene," Eva yelled at him, "she's a guest not a dog! Just because it's the apocalypse doesn't mean you can forget your manners."

"Did he have any to begin with?" a posh voice filled in straight after she finished talking.

"You wanna fight, Laurence?" Eugene asked, grabbing the posh boys shirt and pulling him down to his level.

"Hey you two! No fighting," Sua yelled as she walked into the classroom.

"I wasn't planning on fighting this buffoon anyway," Laurence said, pushing Eugene off him and tidying his collar.

"Why're you here anyway? Thought you were sleeping," Eugene asked, moving away from the taller boy.

"Well I was but then I got hungry and there was a ruckus." she replied, looking at Laurence and Eugene directly. I couldn't contain my laughter and a small giggle escaped my lips. Quickly cupping my hands over my mouth to prevent anymore laughs from escaping I watched as everyone glared at me.

"Why are you laughing?" Zion asked, this whole time he had been sat in a corner listening, watching, so this was a change in his scenery.

"Sorry, it's just that this reminds me of my friends back in Japan," I apologised, watching them sheepishly.

"That explains everything!" Eva exclaimed, I looked at her confused along with everyone else, "you have a katana and an accent! Sorry, it just fit into place pretty easily."

"Right," Lance said, dragging the word out longer than it should've, "well, I think we should introduce ourselves. I'm Lance- you can speak to me whenever you need to!"

"I'm Eugene, stay out of my way and make sure to disappear by morning light," Eugene introduced himself.

"Laurence Gart, you probably know my family," Laurence introduced himself, I shook my head and he just looked at me with disbelief before deciding to stay silent.

"You already know me," Zion mumbled, I rolled my eyes and nodded before remembering I had his bat at the bottom of my bag. I quickly returned it to him and moved back to where I was stood previously. Zion gave me a swift nod in thanks and fell into a daze.

"I'm Eva!" Eva exclaimed for the second time this day.

"And I'm Sua," Sua said, "this is all of us."

"Well I'm Willow," I introduced myself properly as I pushed a rogue strand of hair out of my face again.

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