
Run For It!!!

"...and that's the plan. Got it Dragnoff?"

"Got it. But wouldn't it look better if you carry her princess style?"

"Yeeaahh, probably. But Estella is heavy."

"Never say that to a woman's face."

"This woman is fine. Her mind is permanently broken."

"You sure about that?"

"100 percent."

"Okay then. Transforming into Dragon Mode now."

"We're already that close to the entrance. Okay then. Time to use my trusty sprinting skills. Showtime!!" I make it outside.


"RUN FOR IT!!!!!!" I can see the confusion on their faces. Except for Clarissa, Micheal, and Bestia. They immediately start running towards Ulgen, the closest town. Then Dragnoff shows up behind me. The adventures start to panic and scream all at the same time.

"What happened to the forward raid party?!?"

"We're dead!! Today we die!!!"

"I should have listened to my wife and not joined the raid group."

"We were supposed to be safe from the dragons in the back..."


"I am sorry my lover. Sorry that I am not returning."

"I will die fighting. Who is with me!!!"

"I just wanted some money for my sister's medicine."

"I just hope my family does not starve without me..."

I look back. They are getting slaughtered by Dragnoff. Now that's a powerful dragon.


"Keep running!!"

"Micheal, thanks for carrying Bestia."

"No problem."

"Hey, just wondering, Clarissa has an Agility build and you a Strength with sub Defense build. How are you two running at about the same speed? Both of you are clearly running at full speed."

"You ask that now, while we are running for our lives!!! The Dragon Demon Lord is slaughtering the rear raid group!!!"

"Umm, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's not the Demon Lord."

"WHAT!!!" x2

"Yeah, that is a minion. This raid party never stood a chance."

"I cannot hear draconic roars anymore."

"You noticed that Clarissa, you see if it is chasing us." She looks back.

"Not chasing us...for now."

"There is a cave up ahead, let us hide there."

"Agreed." x3 We make it into the cave.

<Repeat, 'so what happened in there?'>

"So what happened in there?"

<Dragnoff, you can start search phase of plan. Don't forget to roar when passing the lightning struck tree>

"As last surviving leader of the raid party, I need to know exactly what happe..."

"RROOOAARR!!!!" That shut him up. Micheal signals for all of us to stay silent. Now to prepare to weave my tale.

I am back!!! I will update throughout next week to make up for the time I was gone. Hopefully I can catch up completely. One of the missing chapters will definitely be an auxiliary chapter though. Look out for those since no notice will tell you when they go up.

ShadowDccreators' thoughts
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