

Zhu Long walked slowly and opened the door. He stepped outside the room, his face as clear as jade, his hair silky smooth. He had the looks to make every woman go wild for him.

Zhu Long walked towards the garden, admiring the view and the fragrance of the flowers. He seemed to really enjoy the view of these flowers. 'This garden is really amazing, but I must say that compared to the Garden of Gods, this garden is like unimpressive.' He quietly thought to himself.

Even though the Garden of Gods was way above the standards of this garden, it was still extremely beautiful.

Zhu Long walked towards the main mansion. He looked at the huge door that connects the mansion and the garden. It was filled with many patterns of different flowers, all the flowers had their own shape and color.

'I hadn't even noticed this door when I had entered the garden. Since I didn't notice this door, I must have been in half unconscious then. Still, I'm sure that no matter how much I hear the Zither played by Brother Ku, it would never be boring, instead... Strangely, I feel so calm every time I hear such melody.' He thought as he walked into the mansion.

Zhu Long looked around the mansion in awe. Even though he had already seen the interior before, it was so eye catching and breathtaking. This time, Zhu Long decided to take his time and admire the beautiful portrait around the mansion. There were at least 10 portraits, all in the same place, but the people within them were different. All the women looked extremely beautiful. No only their facial features, each of them were dressed in a majestic vivid red dress, paired with simple but intriguing earrings, as well as a small pendant around their necks. The Portraits had an immense aura radiating from it, he felt as if he was in the presence of those outstanding women in the portrait and currently face to face with them.

"All of them are extremely beautiful aren't they?" A soft voice came behind Zhu Long.

"Not only were they admired for their beauty, but also for their ability to possess such great power which was on par with great elders. " Ku Wang said with a proud smile. Without a doubt, one can tell that the women in the portraits are his ancestors.

"They are indeed very beautiful, I'm sure that many men lusted for them. I myself too felt the great power emitting from the portraits, so I had guessed their power was indeed impressive, to the point that they may have indeed top the world. For beauty and power are a perfect combination!" Zhu Long replied to Ku Wang.

"Hehe, Indeed! The perfect combination. Many men were after these maidens, but all were in vain as they had found out that these maidens were more powerful than themselves." Ku Wang said as he stood beside Zhu Long. Pointing towards the neck of one of the women and added, "Those beautiful pendants are given to them after they find a suitable dao companion. That pendant is the symbol of their love. Some say that those pendants can even be used between their partners for communication, it works even if they are separated by thousands of miles. But, it wasn't easy for them to find the right and suitable dao companion. Back then, it was so simple... They only need to fall in love with someone much more powerful than them and no one will be against their marriage. But... Due to a certain incident, now a day, love is not an option and force arranged marriage has been implemented."

Zhu Long stopped looking at the portraits and looked towards Ku Wang. Ku Wang was wearing a silver white robe, his hair flows down to his hips, his face extremely soft and delicate. But his face had a tinge of anger within. It seemed like he was displeased about something.

"Women now have lost their freedom to choose what they want for their life. Do you know if they can cultivate to the point in which their lives aren't in danger, they can reach the peak of cultivation. But, since the clan has taken action in deciding everything for them. From the food they partake, the art they needed to master, which people they can be acquainted with and so on. Imagine not being able to decide for your own life, is it even worth living for? It sounds disgusting doesn't it. To not have the right to your own life. What's worse, once they reach a certain age, they have no choice but to be forced into marriage with someone, even if they are superior to the person they are to be wed. For they have no choice but to respect the clan rules. The women are treated like dogs, they have no choice but to obey their master. Do what their master asked them to do."

Ku Wang was in a trance and didn't realize he was venting all the hidden anger within him. He turned to Zhu Long apolozised for acting out of place.

"I apologize to Brother Lin, I didn't mean to vent my anger at you. It's just something like this happened to someone I know, and..." Ku Wang couldn't finish his words, he found the situation too awkward and couldn't explain further.

Zhu Long, not knowing what to say, tried to change the topic, he felt that the person must be someone of great importance to Ku Wang.

"Looking at Brother Ku more clearly, I can say that I'm sure there are probably many women who would want to be with you." He smiled, glancing at Ku Wang awkwardly, it seemed like Zhu Long wasn't that much of a talker.

'I don't know why I said, but I hope it can get Brother Ku's to feel much as ease and forget about his worries. But I can't help but feel bad for those women. I can't say that I understand their pain, but it was pretty similar to me. The only thing that oldie did was train me. I would be punished as soon as I acted lazy or wanted to quit. I couldn't cultivate nor did my training became easier. I too was also disappointed in myself. No matter how much I wanted to cultivate, my body would never absorb qi. But, I know that what oldie was doing was all for my own good. I would have always been bullied by others, unable to fight back. But I rarely had the opportunity to roam the sect as oldie had always forced me to train. I'm sure he didn't want to see me injured or be bullied by others. Now that I think about it, I'm sure the next time I meet him, Oldie would be proud that I have the power to protect myself. ' Zhu Long thought deeply. A voice broke his thoughts.

"Haha, I would say the same to Brother Lin too. You also look very dashing in that Black gi. It seems to be perfect for you." Ku Wang smiled while looking at the gi that Zhu Long had worn. The lining of the gi had been carefully done with red cloth and the rest was night Black. It seemed to match Zhu Long's cold, but handsome face. But Ku Wang seemed to notice that Zhu Long's face was filled with sadness for some reason.

'It seems like Brother Lin has also been through a lot.'

"You flatter me." Zhu Long smiled back, not knowing what to say. He had several questions, but left them be until he meets Ku Wang's teacher.

"I guess it's about time you meet my teacher, I'm sure you have some questions for him. " Ku Wang said as he looked at Zhu Long. Zhu long only nodded. It seemed like something was still bothering Zhu Long.

Ku Wang shook his head,'It doesn't concern me, everyone has their own story, I'm sure that Brother Lin had been through some tough times. Only through hardships can I become more powerful and mature. From his cold nature, I'm sure that Brother Lin has gone through a lot which has made him this indifferent, but a gentle person deep down. He also seems to be very careful regardless of the situation.'

Ku Wang smiled at Zhu Long, "Come, follow me. I'll take you to my master's room. He had been trying to concoct a pill for some time now and will probably head out as soon as he has succeeded. Those flowers in the garden aren't only for one eye to admire. But all of them are precious herbs useful for creating many powerful pills. I'm sure that teacher is nearing success and will want to meet you as soon as he does."

Thank you for reading!

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