
Prisoner Again II

I watched the four-armed man leave, before sitting down in my new cell. It hadn't been more than two days before I left my old cell to force into the new cell.


"What did you do?" I had just sat down when the question came from a man in the left cell. 


"Trespass in organizations' private property," I replied. "Damn; that is half a century on the twelfth floor or two decades in Oxfowl mine," he replied. 


I looked at the stone skin man, with blue marble skin. "What did you do?" I asked. "Me? nothing. Some bastards from the organization framed me just because I didn't give him a discount," he replied.


"How long do you have to serve for that?" I asked. "About the same as you," he replied.


"So, where is this place?" I asked and the stone-skin man looked at me, like I have asked him the stupidest question ever.


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