
Old Friends II

"Its delicious Micheal, I did not know you were a culinary artist," Sophia said as she took a bite of her food. "It is a hobby of mine," I replied humbly.

Cooking is my hobby; it is like meditation to me, which helps me relax, and I enjoyed doing it.

"From what I heard, the culinary art is not easy; it takes years of work under an expert to reach the level you have reached," Raina said. To that, I smiled.

She is right, and I had practiced for years; it is nearly years since I have gotten the Tome and counting the time dilution inside it, I could say to practice for two to three years to gain such skill.

The recipes I had cooked at not my best; they are in the initial two hundredths, not late two-hundredth. The difference of skill requite for me to cook them huge; if I had cooked them, they would have been even more shocked than they are right now.

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