

we arrived together at the gates for the portal. a lot of people were forming lines in front of of each gate when I see the chance I get away from the rest and take my way to the light and darkness gate but when i get there nothing but dust and a giant gate

???: o kid are you lost the other gates are on that way

tom: (i didn't see him!!)

tom: no old man I am here to enter the gate of light and darkness so I like to see the keeper of the gate.

old man: you are seeing it!!

tom:( i didn't see that one coming too) oh I see could you let me in.

old man: you think you can pass that easy?.

tom:( aah! the letter that teacher gave me) could you mean this letter?

i take the letter from my pocket and give it to the old man

ola man:hmm a letter?

the moment I give the letter to the old man and he start reading his face expression change pale like all the blood was sucked from him

old man: i see you are his student.....

old man:you can pass

tom: thank you?( teacher what did you write!?)

i make wry smile while moving forward and giving and apology in my mind

old man: okay there seem to be no problem

tom: thank you old man

old man: yeah and one last thing my name dante silver

tom: gotcha!

dante: I am going to opening the gate move to the front door .

tom: ok see you old man dante

the 2 doors start opening and a white and dark flash start opening the next instant tom was gone

dante: well zen to think you would send a kid here you haven't change you sadist asshole well my work is over so let's go eat.... mm oh what bring you here little girl?

in the light and dark zone

tom: wow a white sky with black clouds black earth the forest a combination of white and black so beautiful

my words leave my mouth without think because of the beautiful scene

tom:so now let's get this quest on march!!!!!!!!!!

And so 2 weeks Pass

tom: hi guys how are you? fine oh good. me? oh well you know I am good the only little problem is that.I am being chase by gigantic magic beast that throw laser beam from his fucking mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tom: this 2 weeks have been a total hell i haven't found a single beast that wants to make a contract with me and worse only the biggest monsters are on my back like they are seeing a good meal or something.

tom: okay you fucking beast you want a piece of me here catch!!!

I charge mana in my right hand to create a big fireball and shouted to that monster

tom: tom 1 nature 0!!!!

tom: okay that was the last one right?


tom: you have to be kidding me!!!!!

tom: (wait this roar is close but I don't sense anything I should check!!)

tom: this is totally not my day!!!

what I expected to be only a monster fighting another but it seem I was completely WRONG it was nothing else that our little Sky princess Fighting what it seems some kind of bear with wings made of bone and she was in the borderline of a sure dead on the precipice in hear back

tom:( so now what do i do?)


plan 1:( I turn around and go like I didn't see anything) ending: I save myself (tempting)

plan 2:( I go there and and fight) ending: the princess and I die (STUPID SO NO)

Plan 3:( I grab the princess and run using "THUNDER SHADOW")ending:the monster catch us when i run out of mana (NOT AN OPTION)

Plan 4:( I expose myself in front of little princes and play hero using "LIGHTNING SHADOW" to save the little princess and then do a one vs one death match with that monster ) ending: 100*/. chance of me DYING

tom: well it seems pretty obvious my decision I take plan 1

tom: I have something to live for sorry little princess I can't die here

I start turning around when I heard something that make me remember something that I don't want to remember and it was a scenario cover in blue flames and the figure of 3 person

???: tom run and don't see back go with eli's father go!!!!

tom: dad!!

??: tom hear your father and go !!!

tom: but mom i can fight too!!

dad: tom please hear your father this time I have to protect you son so please go!!!

tom tighten his hand and make a first and then start running

dad: thank you tom Silvia you too run.

Silvia: what are you telling is a Wife duty to stay with his husband in good times and in bad times right Neo?

neo: what a lovely wife I got

tom running all the way to Eli house

tom:( dad mom wait for me!!!)

in the end I didn't maked in time and my house was burnt down and my only hint I has was the blue flame I saw that day.

tom:( shit why do I have to remember that now)

tom: dammit!!!!!

I start moving

tom:(first I change my element to make a vine of darkness to restrain him for a moment then I use "LIGHTNING SHADOW" to grab the little princes).

little princes: what are you doing here?

tom: if you wish to live then start running and get the hell out here!!!

the little princes face turn red

little princes: okay if you live come and see me.

tom: okay little princes

little princes: don't call me little princess!!!my name Elina got it?

tom: ok Elina

Elina disappear in a blink of an eye.

tom: well monster we are alone so would you like a free ticket to the underworld?!

the monster start charging

tom: (I know I can't beat you but I can kill you)

tom: FIREBALL!!!!

I blow the floor that was in my feet and fall with the monster to the dark to the hollow

a little late sorry and please comment!!

lotusflamedevilcreators' thoughts
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