
All over.

after I left samar's place,i came back home and went straight away to bathroom.....the tears that I was holding was for so long,finally came out...I couldn't control myself anymore..i just stared at myself in the mirror.. not knowing what to do..I was sobbing inside the washroom for I guess 1 hour when finally my mom came...she was worried what happened to me...she asked in a concerned manner "Pooja what happened to you beta,are you alright? your inside for so long Pooja.. please reply beta, I am worried...

I realised that my mom was worried for me so I washed my face and came out...I tried acting brave in front of my mom but I couldn't.. after all mom is the only person whose presence is enough to console you...mother is the only word which comes out when you are in pain and she is the only person who can make you feel better no matter whatever has happened to you...my mom saw the tears coming from my eyes...she didn't ask me anything instead she hugged me tightly...I suddenly just broke down in my mom's arms...I was continuously crying,she put her hand on my back and patted me and tried comforting me. I put my head on her lap and she put her hand on my head patting me with love and concern.. Inspite of everything that happened, I slept peacefully in my mom's arms... even today I every single day thank God for making this beautiful and ever loving creature called MOM.. sometimes when we are on our teenage, we tend to forget our moms, we start living in our own world, we think that we are grown ups now, we don't need our moms to guide us and advice..many times we hurt our moms yeah that's a bitter reality but as we grow and face the real world we understand that how our moms always tried to keep us protected and gave us the best advice that no one else could ever give...we forget that in this crucial world only parents can love us unconditionally without asking anything in return. their love is purest and true.

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