
Soon someone will be here

When I wake up, I couldn't see Greg around me. When I moved a little on the bed, I could hear that he come inside. While hearing it I waited for some time as he might come here as nothing like that happened I get up and when I walked out of the bedroom, I could see that he is making food. While I looked at him he looked at me and then he said, "babe go take shower".

"Ok," I said and when I yawned I walked there. While being in the bathroom I decided to take a shower. When I was doing it, I could see that marks after our yesterday activity started being more visible "really" I said and then I continue washing my body. When I was doing it I have done and when I walked out I dry my body and hair and when I have done this I walked out. While being there I looked at Greg and then I said "I will change".

"Ok," he said, and when walked again to the bedroom. When I have changed I walked out fully dressed and when I was there Greg said, "so how is now".

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