
Greg packing his PC

When I go out from they room I send text message to park my car in front of company. Then I go directly to elevator and to Greg. When I come closely to him I start wondering if I could be with him.

That words what I said to father were inpropieret but why he needed to look so bad in front of him. And that bomb that he drops to us was too big I try to be strong but it start hurting me while thinking that I will need to go with father order.

Doesn't knowing what to do if father friend wouldn't agree to us to be together I needed to be close to Greg. When I saw him I hug him from behind. When I saw that he turning around I said to him "sorry about that drama I hope soon all will be done"

"No problem but I hope you will never left me" he said to me while giving her short kiss. 'Oh I needed it hug and kiss from my love'

"I know my car should be here soon and we will go to your place to take for now necessary thinks and tomorrow we will take rest" I said to him while checking what hour is now and how long we will need to wait for my bow

"Ok what will you do with this situation" Greg ask me from my calculations when my car will be here

" I don't know but yet but I hope all will go good with it and I could be with you" I said truth 'I hope he isn't a dick who is selfish' I said to myself while remembering how good he was when we visit him for few times when I was young

"I know lets now go for our bags from your father car and wait for your car to come" Greg said to me while going to my father new car.

"Ok" I said to him and we go there. Our taking take we like two minutes and we go in front of company. When like 10 minutes pass and my car come. Then we start packing our things and it go fast. Then we sit and I place in gaps to Greg flat. Our drive there goes easy. For most of it Greg haven't talk but he checking something on his phone. Curios take me and I ask him

"What you doing"

"Checking prize of monitors" he said don't taking eyes from screen

"Why you don't have their TV that you could take to my home"

"It's not mine"

"Ok I understand tomorrow we will go for shopping for it but all after we take all things from there" I said to him while making plan for tomorrow

"Ok" Greg answer me while changing radio station to rock

Our travel to destination go easy we needed stop only twice on lights. When I park in front of his place I said to him "ok let's go take for now what you need"

"Ok let's go probably now I will only take some clothes and my PC"

"Ok" then I add in mind 'I hope I have enough place in my back seat for his PC' and I go after him.

When we finally enter to his floor and Greg open doors I come inside after him checking how big his place is. 'Oh its so small probably my wardrobe is bigger' I said to myself while going to Greg bedroom. 'Oh he has here some bags so I will pack there' I said to myself while starting packing few his things while knowing that his thoughts are on his PC.

After some time packing I empty almost all his drawers from boxer's socks and t-shirts. and I make that bags full 'ok we will need go for shopping you don't have a lot of clothes it's for like only 20 days' I said to myself while remembering what I pack. Then I look at his wardrobe and he has their extra hoodies some jacket and shorts. 'Oh next bag I will pack you there' I said to myself while doing it. When I know that I almost empty all from here I go to where Greg packing his PC.

1/5 next soon

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