
Talk at the cemetery- Part 2

Mr. Varreran...did he hear her speaking? Her hands started to sweat a little as she saw him smile. 

She bowed her head and he did the same, "Good afternoon, milady. Have you been doing well?" asked the man. 

Penny's head was muddled at the thought that the man had heard her mention about her being a white witch. How long had he been standing there? She wished she could ask to confirm it but the man would either doubt her or he would be confirming what he heard was to be true. 

"I have been doing well. How about yourself, Mr. Varreran?" she asked the vampire who looked at the grave behind her which she had come to visit. 

The man shifted his gaze from the gravestone to look at Penny, "I have been doing wonderful. I am glad that I got to see you again, you have been doing well," she could feel his eyes roaming around her face.


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