
Night at Artemis- Part 1

While Alexander and Caitlin made their way through one of the windows, Damien walked up to the front porch of the house with no lantern burning in front of the large house. The house looked dark too except for some of the front ground floor. 

Going to the door, he knocked on the wood, waiting for the door to open but no one ever came to open the door. Penny, who was standing behind Damien, looked up for one of the curtains to move near the windows. 

"They know we are here," Penny whispered to him. 

"That's good. It makes life that much simpler, doesn't it?" Damien asked her.  He pulled out the gun from his back, aiming at it when they heard a woman's voice come from behind who had been standing right behind them. 

"What a violent man."


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