
The magistrate- Part 3

When the time of night arrived and the silence fell on the streets and roads of the two villages, in one of the houses sat an elderly woman and man on the chairs while four people stood in front of them. 

In the dark with scarce light sat Mr. and Mrs. Artemis who looked at the four people with unhappy expression,

"What do you mean the councilman and councilwoman are walking around the village?" asked Mr. Artemis. He looked extremely displeased with the people right now. 

The magistrate lady, bowed her head, without raising it as she started to speak, "They came yesterday searching for files. I thought they wouldn't return but they came back today asking for the guardsmen of the village."

"Yes, Sir!" the man named Zenith Croogs with red eyes who looked like a vampire replied, "Today councilman Damien even asked to take the guardsmen to the Delcrov's mansion to treat them for dinner."


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