
Fishy indeed- Part 1

Music Recommendation: Reconcile by Peter Sandberg, 

All Those Letters by Francis Wells


Birds chirped outside the patio that had Penny walk towards the open space, feeling the morning chill on her skin. She rubbed both her hands on her arms. Closing her eyes, a long yawn passed her mouth before she could completely hide it behind her hand even though there was no one here right now to see the etiquettes. 

Two arms came to surround her from behind and she felt Damien pull her to his embrace, "You woke up early. Not able to sleep?" he asked, his head settling on one her right shoulder as he watched what she had been viewing a few seconds ago. 

She shook her head, "Wasn't able to sleep," Damien pressed his lips against her neck.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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