
What happened there- Part 2


"Didn't you hear what I said?" the warden rolled his eyes. Walking forward, he gripped the slave's arm and pulled the woman, taking her to the confinement room and throwing her in the same cell that she had been staying in for nearly two days. 

Caitlin was old, having spent years here in the cell, she was used to the treatment. She had been here before this new warden had been assigned after the previous one was murdered. It wasn't anything new, a rumor went how the wardens were cursed for what they did to the slaves in here. Their ill morals only lashing out on them but the words circulated only among the slaves and not a whisper being told to the warden himself or the guardsmen who guarded the slave establishment. 

Her already rough hands grazed against the dirty floor of the confinement room which was dark and reeked of death. 


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