"You should aim higher, mouse. What's with looking at servants. If you want to check out men I have a wonderful place that might delight your eyes and be a feast for your eyes. Would you be interested in it?"
Penny looked at skeptically, her hands now crossed over her chest as she wondered what he had on his mind, "Okay," she nodded her head but Penny didn't know what Damien had on his mind.
Damien gave her a bright smile, "My sister is waiting for you. Have fun, mouse," he cheered for her waving his hand which had the parchments.
As she stepped out of the room, she asked herself- how could Damien not be jealous of a man? Was he not the possessive type? She frowned thinking about it. Meeting Lady Maggie down at the start of the stairs where she was trying to make her dress proper, Penny smiled at the Lady.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: