
Favourtite on list- Part 2

Penny stepped out of the room, carrying one of the lanterns she had taken from the room. She walked towards the stairs which was where the secret room was. Her footsteps were quiet and inaudible as she walked. The fire in the bowls at the top of the pillars had reduced as most of them had gone to work while there were some white witches who were still working on the weapons made of holy water which had to be delivered early to the council. 

While she walked she heard something, footsteps which followed behind her at the sides. 

Stopping for a moment, halting her footsteps and turning around wondering if it was her sleep-filled mind that was playing tricks with her. The church dungeons were quiet which was why she could hear the sound of footsteps earlier. She placed the lantern in front of her, holding it high but the light couldn't spread to every part of the ground she stood on as the dungeon itself was quite large. 


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