Penelope continued to stare at him, her unwillingness to take up his offer of help to take her to the Quinn's mansion. She refused to believe that the man had suddenly changed in such a short time. She had slapped him on his cheek, in front of many people. That was bound to leave him cursing and waiting to take revenge on her unless he was an idiot.
At the same moment, she heard a lady's voice coming from the carriage. A woman peeking out whom she had not noticed before,
"Mr. Reverale, is everything fine?" she asked, her neck craning out of the window to see the broken carriage and a lady who stood on the side of the road.
"Yes, I was asking this fair lady to come with us than stand here stranded until she receives help to fix the broken wheel," he turned around to give the woman a pleasant smile who gave him a nod. The lady looked at Penelope, though she had not conversed with her, she said,
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: