
Deaths in exam- Part 1

Damien's suspicion had raised before stepping into Adams family castel. His thoughts went back to a place he had visited two days ago.

"Councilman Damien," one of the fellow councilman came to stand next to him as he looked at the wall which was marked with blood right outside the empty mansion which had been unoccupied for some years now that once upon a time used to belong to the second lord of the Bonelake. The current Lord of Bonelake who was Nicholas Rune was the fourth Lord while his father the third lord. 

They stood at the snow mansion where the white snow covered the ground. Given that it was the time of Winter in the four lands now, this was one of the only places which snowed throughout the year. 

"He doesn't look so good," Damien commented looking down at the man's body who laid on the snow ground, "Was this all the body?"


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