
Dream- Part 1

A young girl who was about the age of seven, played with the wooden doll which was broken at the edges. It was the time of noon where the house was quiet, water flowing quietly where the house was situated. Hearing the door open, the green-eyed girl stood up to see her mother step in. 

"Mama, welcome back," she greeted her mother who responded back with a sweet smile. The woman was of average height. Her hair and eyes brown in color with a petite figure. 

"I am back home. What were you doing?" asked the woman, her brown eyes glancing at the doll that laid in her daughter's hand, "We should buy you another one. Maybe once your father returns," the woman ran her hand on the girl's head gently. 

The young girl nodded her head, her shoulder falling down, "Can't we go back to the village, mother?" she asked with hopeful eyes. 


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