
Behind the scenes- Part 1

The rain continued to pour down dulling every other sound the atmosphere had to offer. The silence didn't soothe her mind and instead, it only gave out the room for her thoughts that were bombarded with questions that had no answers. 

Her mother was alive but not once had she come in contact with her. Was there a reason and explanation of what happened or how it happened? All this while she had visited her mother with sadness in her heart but with every minute that passed by, Penny found it hard to fathom down the fact that the person wasn't dead but alive. 

She turned around from facing her back to Damien to look at the mirror where Damien had been looking right at her. 

"Unable to sleep?" he asked her before turning his body to the side to look at her directly instead of using the mirror on the ceiling of the bed. Both of them had drenched in the rain to change their clothes to a fresher dry one with their hair in the process of drying. 


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