
Blood and Steak

Li Qiang's footsteps clipped- clop down the heated stone floors. It echoed down the hall-way, immediately attracting the attention of the women sitting in two long rectangular tables. He walked inside the dining room, face stern, devoid of any expression.

Silence followed his entrance.

The smell of various perfumes immediately assaulted his senses. He frowned and eyed the women who were wearing various colorful clothes. Some were dressed scantily, showing off their assets, while some chose the biggest hairdo that they could come up with. The smell of fruity perfume overpowered the steak in front of him. He gritted his teeth as he sat on the head seat.

"Let us begin." He uttered and got himself the steak. However, before he could even slice his food. One woman interrupted him.

"Let me do it for you, master." The woman gave a sweet smile as she leaned closer, showing her overflowing cleavage.

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