
Why Troy uses Tai Chi

Troy wakes up naked and screams


"Troy, my son what is wrong?" Vyvyan hugged her son

"Mom"Troy looked around "sorry I had a strange dream"

"Well don't worry its over now. What was the dream about?"

"Well I dreamed I was someone else and.." troy hesitated for a moment


"I had tons of wives and there was a big battle but then its blank"

Vyvyan hugged and patted Troys head and said "maybe your having memories of your past life most life has been through the cycle of reincarnation. Its not unusal to have some memories of the past life."

Troy was shocked! This would mean she has knowledge of the reincarnation cycle but how.. oh yeah shes a demi-god.

"But dont worry I wont ever allow you to get harmed or betray me" 'umm mom what does what I say have to do with you?'

"well its early but mom I want to do my morning work out" Troy got out of bed and Vyvyan put his cloths on for him..

Troy goes to the lake garden and mediates. A few people are near him.

Water Tai Ji adapts to form to generate momentum, it shifts in a hundred ways winding around objects. Its characteristics are like water: empty, agile, gentle, and trans-formative. Fire Wudang Tai Chi means to be rooted like a boulder, to be strong like iron and steel, swift as a fleeing rabbit, powerful like burning flames. It is applied to protect life and defend one's body, to generate strength to support the weak. If its force is emitted during fighting, it breaks anything in its path, because intent, qi, strength and a high level sparring method are unified. When practicing Tai Chi Gong one must not emphasize hardness at the expense of softness and vice versa.

"Use stillness to create movement;

Use weakness to defeat strength;

Use softness to overcome hardness."

For fighting uses one must practice the hands, the eyes, the body, the methods and the footwork for long time. Also one must master the eight strength methods:

Expansion, stroking, squeezing, pressing, plucking, tumbling, elbowing and approaching, etc.

Form and structure is the main focus of the practice, assisted by finger, palm, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee and feet techniques as well as unique skills that are secretly perfected.

In the past times the older generation of Tai Chi masters said:

"Ten years of Tai Chi Gong was not enough to dare to go outside of one's house."

The reason being is that Tai chi is unlike other forms of Kung Fu. To establish your Gong is not easy, the requirements for the body, qi, the intent and the spirit are relatively strict. It would be impossible to write down all the principles and rules of Wudang Tai Chi in a very thick book.

Yin Yang – Open Close,

Inhale Exhale – Store Release

Water Fire – After Completion

Void Divine – Profound Mysterious


• 33 movement form

• 3 stance levels, 8 types of form practice methods

• Song Ti (muscle and tendon relaxing technique)

• Chan Si (silk reeling)

• Advanced stationary Fa Li – power emission training (fist, palm, elbow, shoulder, hip, leg) 26 types

• Fa Li combinations

• Advanced rain, mud, ice, water, bowl training to strengthen the balance and equilibrium

• Taiji pillar skill: moving pillar and standing pillar

• Unique skill: pushing mountain palm, shifting mountain elbow, wrenching mountain waist, grinding mountain arm (altogether 7 types of practice)


The exercise teaches a student to be submissive and is a passive form of combat, teaching the subtle and more sensitive areas of the Martial Arts. As Li Shifu says, push hands training is a form of cultivating happiness between two human beings but also can be a deadly tool in close up combat.


• Kou tui (hooking leg)

• Dan shou: ping, li, shun (single hand: vertical and horizontal)

• Ba Zi: zuo, you (figure eight: left and right side)

• Shuang tui: ding, huo (double hands: holding posture, in movement)

• Da hua: nei huan, wai hua (great transformation hand: inside, outside)

• Si zheng: peng, lü, ji, an (basic skill of four standards)

• Si yu (four corners)

• Da lü (great stroke)

• Da kao (great lean)

• Chan si shou: nei,wai

• Luan cai hua (free sparing)

without Troy's knowledge the water is being manipulated. After an hour of meditation Troy does his workout and slowly devopes more and more of his technique.

At lunch he spends it with his mother and then meets some of the guards and talks with them. he then takes a break and learns about some of the guards role. A few children are seen sometimes watching him train but Troy ignores them.

In the afternoon Troy trains Sword – Jian

The Sword (Jian) in Wudang Tai Chi Chuan is identified with the dragon, which makes the spirit/state of mind in Jian that of the dragon, being mysterious and surprising, able to twist and coil, unroll, float and dive. Actually this is the essence the Tai Chi Sword Form, combining the slow and the fast, the hard and the soft, extension and contraction, floating and diving.

Wudang Tai Chi Chuan Sword Form consists of 91 techniques

The 8 forces of the Tai chi Sword (Jian)

There are 8 basic uses of the Sword (Jian):

Kan – to chop.

Liao – to stir –to divert and slash in one continuous movement.

Mo – to stroke –subtle circular diversion.

Ci – to stab/pierce.

Chou – to draw forth –diverting upwards with a whipping action.

Ti – to lift –an upward diversion.

Heng – to sweep across –horizontal diversion followed by a thrust.

Dao – to invert –diverting to the side, sword pointed down

3 good reasons for practicing the Tai Chi Sword:

By practicing the Tai Chi Sword Form we have techniques that are somewhere between the soft Hand Form and the more direct Sabre Form. They can stretch and strengthen muscle, sinew and bones, improve your condition and make your respiration deeper and easier. By focusing on the changes in the deep and beautiful stances of the Sword Form, both body and weapon will be in harmony.

The Sword can be used for Self Defense. If faced by violent thugs who, armed with some sort of weapon, are trying to mug or rob you, you can utilize any object close at hand – such as an umbrella, cane or other ordinary object – and use the Sword techniques to protect yourself from potential attacks.

The most important reason. Practicing with the Sword will improve your self-confidence, enabling you to react swiftly and with precision in the face of a problem/challenge that would normally have left you in panic, make you lose your calm or freeze up in fear. In our everyday lives, this improved self-confidence can enable us to keep the larger view of the situation and make deliberate decisions.

Troy practice till evening then he stopped looked at the water and bowed... The reason he bowed is because one of Troy's goal is to get strong enough to beat Aqua (by beating Aqua no one but Troy knows) when he thought of Aqua he thought she probably unbeatable in water but then Troy thought 'oh yeah my two favorite characters are Avatar Korra and Katara. I think waterbending i the strongest. you can blood bend make whips. you can even take water from an object or person... isn't blood bending the most OP of all of them. There are tons of other things you can do and they uses Tai chi to use it...Wait what if I master all the elements wouldn't that make me the avatar.

The gods really blessed me they gave me a devil fruit that made me a saiyan. How do I know I'm a saiyan well simple I get stronger on full moons and go crazy ha sounds familiar I also have a battle lust. I always challenge the guards saiyan right haha. but I had to eaten a devil fruit because I drawn if I get in the water so yup devil fruit saiyan avatar... Its not because I am a elf and elves loves battle and half elf through a ritual which caused me to go berserk on full moons and cant be on water...

Troy then went with his mother to eat then troy went to the library and read books one elves the military and culture how to rule and stuff having his mother answer any questions he had.

This went on for a year till a week after his third birthday when the legendary Bahamut awaken from its slumber and within the forest. Which caused all the Dragons to be happy. However Elves and many of the other tribes in the forest were worried. Bahamut is above rank 13. So Troy's Elf mother gathered together and was about to fight this dragon and Earth dragons

"Troy I'm going to be gone for a bit so be careful and don't leave the castle" she puts a necklace over Troys head" pull this in-case of and emergency. and she went on and on for a hour" She kiss then said bye hoping this wont take too long

Troy was thinking...'Finally I can leave the castle and explore'

Sorry for the late update I was trying to organize future events of the plot. Villains and Allies

I know this chapter was boring but I thought you had to know his daily life and training.

Troy has changed many people lives including his human mother but thats a different story.

I also been working on another novel Eros destroy the multiverse I was originally going to make it the prequel but I am back and forth about it

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