
Chapter Three

Chapter three:

"You. Set the food down on the table."  She said turning her attention back to the woman. She hid her shaking hands under the sleeves of her dress as she tried her best to be composed.

A world outside of her safe room made her feel terrified. Until she found out exactly what was going on she needed to be on guard constantly. Her gaze followed the woman's every foot step as they set down the soup.

"This servant has finished her task and will now take her leave."

The servant turned around quickly with the intention of leaving. Just staring at the door she couldn't stop herself from feeling excited.

Maybe the young miss won't punish her and she can live another day. A bright smile came across her face as the door got closer and closer.

'Should I let her leave, but I need answers...' Meng sighed to herself sadly. She hated being around people ever since she was betrayed by her own family. After all, if her closest kin was willing to destroy her, than how could the rest of society possibly be good?

'Yet.'  Meng looked around at the weird room before bringing her gaze back to the retreating maid. 'There is no way I'm figuring this out on my own.'

"Wait!"  She yelled out desperately when she saw that the maid was about to exit.

Darkness... that's all the servant could feel as she turned around to face Meng.

'I was so close mom. I nearly reached the door, unfortunately it seems I won't make it.' Since she was going to die anyway the servant let the tears flow loose as she walked back to Meng. 

Meng couldn't help but tilt her head in confusion as she saw the girls messy face. Clearly she only asked the girl to wait why was she acting like I'm a demon. Hmm... am I demon than?

"Stop moving! Stop crying!" Meng issued out commands, which the servant saw as normal.

Her highness was always cold and cruel like this. Little did she know that Meng didn't mean to be cruel, she just had a very low EQ. After all the words she said in her past life could be counted on one hand.

The servant stopped mid-step and collapsed on the ground in a bowing position. She stifled her sobs and accepted that she would die today. 

Even though she accepted it she couldn't help but feel hatred for the girl in front of her. The last ten years of her life were hell because of this girl and now the girl is going to end it. If only the girl was as easy to kill as she looked.

Every disciple looked thin and elegant from the outside however none of them were actually weak.

From an early age they were all taught cultivation, making them even at the first level, fives times stronger then the normal adult. The young miss was at the third level.

The servant was sure that she couldn't even survive a flick from the girl in front of her.

Meng caught the look of blood thirst from the girl and backed up two steps. Her look became sharper as she backed away from the woman. If only she didn't need answers and could let this crazy person go.

Noticing a hair pin on a table next to her she reached for it cautiously while keeping her eyes on the servant. Inside she was crying in exhilaration. A hair pin was barely a weapon, however it beat being defenseless.

"Now that you finally stopped crying it's time for you to tell me who I am."

The servant couldn't help from being surprised at the question. The young miss didn't know who she was? Is this some kind of trick question? Maybe if she answers correctly the young miss won't kill her. The woman's eyes gleamed with hope.

"You are my highness Ru Gu Meng, the most brilliant princess of all time and a cultivation genius only seen once in a thousand years! You are the best thing that has ever happened to this kingdom and you light this kingdoms future. You are the most beautiful girl to have ever been born on this planet!"

The servant quickly spat out sweet words that were supposed to put Meng in a good mood. Sadly the exact opposite happened and the room grew extremely cold.

"By what name did you just address me?"

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