
CHP#23.) The Desert Lighting Chaos Blast

The Battle between Zanderon and Macotacia in the north and east still continues, now the battle between both sides is in hot pursuit. Meanwhile in the south side of Macotacia a big surprise will struck down the Black Star Squad.

Minette: "Arghhh!!! My ears! It hurts!"

Gwyneth: "WITCH ART: DANCE OF THE FLYING BROOMS!!!" the brooms attacked them.

Gianne: "GALACTIC MAGIC: GAMMA RAY SYLPH!!!" the brooms exploded when it was hit by a very strong radiation of gamma rays.

Aira: "He's strong!"

Clair: "No good, I can't fight any further...you'll have to take them down quickly!"

Jerlyn: "EARTH MAGIC: EARTH ERUPTION!!!" the ground erupted like a volcano.

Gianne: "Nice try!"

Will: "WIND MAGIC: AIR PLATES!!!" he created plates that are made up of air and they used it to dodge her attack.

Sam: "GRAVITY MAGIC: GRAVITY PULSE!!!" Jerlyn and the others fell because he changed the flow of gravity.

Gianne: "Now, then what shall you do now? Hmm?"

Jerlyn: "Hehe! don't underestimate us!"

All: "Huh!?"

Jerlyn: "Prepare to face the wrath of a Titan!"

All: "Huh!?" someone suddenly walked from their backs and said...

Rovic: "TITAN MAGIC: ROAR!!!" he used a powerful roar to blow them away in a storm of blizzard roar.

All: "ARGHHH!!!!" all of them fell in the ground.

Jerlyn: "Nice timing, as always Rovic!" and Rovic smiled.

Jerlyn: "Alright!! take THIS!!!!

EARTH MAGIC: CRUST SLAM!!!" the ground turned into big two hands and slammed all of them in just one shot.

All: "Ahhhhh!!!!"

Rovic: "Mission cleared! Harvestia has been reclaimed again!"

Jerlyn: "What about the soldiers and the airships?"

Rovic: "No need to worry about that,

I took down the ships using my Fire Titan Roar."

Jerlyn: "I see. Well done."

Rovic: "The soldiers are being taken care of the members in the council."

Jerlyn: "Come on girls let's head out!"

Three: "Yes ma'am!"

Rovic: "Contacting the Christian's unit, now!!" he turned on the communication earphone and

talked to Christian.

Sir Christian: "Christian here, what's the status in the south?"

Rovic: "The situation is good. We successfully stopped the advance

of the army, and we defeated one

of the members of the Ten Flames. Now we are taking him as a prisoner."

Sir Christian: "Good! We also stopped the advance of the armies in the west, we managed to defeat two members of the Ten Flames.

We also, managed to get some information about the members

of the Ten Flames, Bianca Alyssa Merryheart a Magician who uses the power of Loki the God of Mischief, we have taken her as prisoner and the other member is Elaine Louise Marvel a former student of my class."

Rovic: "I see these foes their tough...

A girl who has the power of a God,

a girl who can transform herself into pieces of papers, a boy who can use two power of two Dragons. These guys are in whole different level than we expected."

Sir Christian: "You're right! They are formidable opponents, but I believe that we will win this battle... Now,

I must report this informations to

the council."

Rovic: "Okay, we will head out to

the east tomorrow morning and

help Aaron's team."

Sir Christian: "Alright! Christian signing off..." (I know that we will

win this battle for sure) he turned off the communication earphone.

After that scene a day past...

Meanwhile in the north after encountering the Seven Blades of Death for the second time Precious, Jai Cloyd, Jabez, and Christian fought them once again.

Sadly they fall into their trap, suddenly Christian gained an enormous power that gave him the power to defeat all the members of the Seven Blades of Death and he managed to save his friends from the enemies grasp.

Soon afterwards knowing that he has the same magic as Aaron, Eliza, and Rixelle, he was surprised, but suddenly he fell into the ground 'cause he's badly wounded from the tortures of Wilmarie's assassination techniques and just after he was about to beheaded a former classmate of his saved him known

as TJ Lance.

Now, the battle between Lighting and Ice is about to go underway...

TJ: "LIGHTNING MAGIC! ELECTRIC DISCHARGE!!!" he released a big sphere of lighting into the sky and

the sphere released massive thunder attacks.


he created a shield made of ice and

it deflected the TJ's lightning attack

"Is there more?"

TJ: "LIGHTNING MAGIC: THUNDER FLASH BARRAGE!!!" he punched him a thousand times but...


the serpent restraints him.

TJ: "This is nothing!" he broke free from the serpent and got close enough to his foe.

Rey: "Impressive...urghhh!!!"

TJ: "LIGHTNING MAGIC: THUNDER TALON!!!" he was smashed into

the trees and hold his ground.

Rey: (Sighing) "Gotta say your good kid, but play times over! ICE MAGIC: FREEZING ZONE!!!" the whole area turned into a land of snow.

TJ: "What!?" (He's not fooling around anymore...he just turned this area into a snowy area, so this is there power, huh?)

Rey: "Your in my battlefield now... prepare to be executed in these cold


Jabez: (The ground why's it so cold?) he opens his eyes slowly...

(The whole area turned into a cold wasteland!) "Wait, this magic power?! This magic powers from TJ's magic!" (I'll contact him at once...)

TJ: "Well this is a surprise..." (Huh!? Who are you?)

Jabez: (Don't panic TJ it's just me,

I'm Jabez and I'm using my Telepathy Magic to communicate to you.)

TJ: (I see...)

Jabez: (I think I've figured out a plan to defeat Rey...)

TJ: (Okay make it quick 'cause I'm fighting him right now.)

Jabez: (Alright...)

TJ: (Got it Jabez, I'll do it now!) he charges straight to Rey.

Rey: "ICE MAGIC: BLIZZARD!!!" he summoned a storm of blizzard and he disappeared.

TJ: "Where is he? Huh!?"

Rey: "ICE MAGIC: ICE SHURIKENS!!!" he created shurikens that are made up of ice and the attacks hitting him in different directions.

TJ: "LIGHTNING MAGIC: THUNDER VOID!!!" a void of thunder sorounded him and the shurikens were broken, then Rey smirk.

TJ: "What!? Erghhhh!" (When did he bind me? I see...he used those shurikens as decoys to bind me

when I'm off guard.)


TJ: "Impressive but... LIGHTNING MAGIC: THUNDER SPARK RAGE!!!" he concentrate all the electricity around him to break the chains but the chains didn't break "What!?"

Rey: "Sorry but your electric attacks won't work on those chains. Those chains absorb your electric attacks and channels them through the ground... Oh, it's not over yet...

ICE MAGIC: ICE SERPENTS!!!" he created two ice serpents, the other binded him and the other bit him

on his arm.

TJ: "Arghhhh!!!" he struggled and broke free from the restraints.

TJ: "LIGHTNING...!!! Arghhhh!!!"

(What is this? My body's feeling numb...)" he fell into the ground.

Rey: "I forgot to tell you...that the snake that bit you was poured by poison in its fangs..."

TJ: "So that's why..."

Rey: "End of the line boy! ICE MAGIC: FROZEN SABER!!!"

TJ: "LIGHTNING MAGIC: LIGHTNING TERRAIN!!!" the whole battlefield was electrified by statics of electricity.

Rey: "Too late hiyaaa... !!!" Christian appeared in the air, he was falling but he opened his eyes and he created a bow made up of sand.

Rey: "What!? You again!?"

Christian: "DESERT..."


Christian: "CHAOS..."

TJ & Christian: "BLAST!!!" Christian fired the arrow and TJ sorrounded

Rey with a pillar of lightning, and the arrow struck the pillar, the sand and lighting mixed forming a pillar of sand and lighting.

Rey: "ARGHHHH!!!!" after the final blow the two smiled.

Rey: (Arghhh! I've failed for the first time...) Christian was saved by Jabez.

TJ: "So he's your secret weapon, huh?"

Jabez: "Yeah I know he can pull it off... I've just waited the right moment to teleport him to the sky and let him fire the arrow."

TJ: "Great thinking Jabez, now we've taken down one member of the Ten Flames."

Meanwhile in the council...

Master Clark: "The south and west has been claimed, now we'll just wait for the reports in the north and east." someone suddenly appeared in the monitor.

Jabez: "Reporting to the north, we've successfully defeated the enemy and ma'am Marilyn's division just arrived on time to take care of the remaining soldiers. Rey Blue has been defeated! I repeat Rey Blue has been defeated!" all of the members of the council was surprised and celebrate with joy.

Master Clark: "Mr Gryder, we appreciate your achievement today now that we have defeated four members there are only six members left good work!"

Jabez: "Thank you Sir, Jabez signing off!" he salute and the monitor was back to its detection mode

Jabez: "Good news guys! Four members of the Ten have already been defeated."

Precious: "That's good to hear, but tell me is Jai Cloyd gonna be okay?"

Jabez: "Yes he's safe now, after Christian defeated the Seven Blades we've confiscate the antidote from Wilmarie."

Precious: "I see..."

Meanwhile in the east...

Lenica: "How can we beat her? Her defense is so strong!"

Daryll: "That's true. My water sword can't even pierce through it..."

Eliza: "Her power is no joke! That's for sure!"

Aaron: "You're right! Her power's unreal so we must figure out a way

to defeat her..."

Eliza: "You're right. We need to think of a plan to defeat her, before we face her tomorrow..."

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