
CHP 6:Restored Youth

Aunt Yoon and June slowly walk to Aunt Yoon house. June voluntarily to carry the heavy sack of clothes of Aunt Yoon. He saw that AUNT Yoon was struggling to keep up his pace. They need to walk through the bamboo forest.

June reminded of the day he was a child sleepinh over at Aunt Yoon house. That day was the day his mother die. He does not have a chance to meet her for the last time. The day before, June mother told him to go to Aunt Yoon house to send a parcel. The parcel consist of new bedsheet. It is to congrats Aunt Yoon and Uncle Min marriage. June mother does not trust anyone to send execpt his first son who is 15 year old that time. The next morning, June got ready to visit Aunt Yoon with the parcel. The parcel was heavy as a rock.

" mother, i will get going to Aunt Yoon house. I will be back soon. I will stay 2 nights there to help Uncle Kim with the moving," said June to his mother.

"June be careful when you are going there. Dont ride the horse to fast," said his mother.

His mother was the concubine of the king. She knew that something bad will happen to her that night. She does not want June to know the truth.

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