
A New Batch Of Trainees

Riveting Night went over to the starting square of Stagnant Moss Town. This was the legendary birthplace of Draco and Riveting Night, the first town they sprung from. Soon after that information became public knowledge, many new players chose it as their starting location in the hopes that they might uncover the hidden secret related to the monstrous growth of those two. 

After all, no matter how great something was or how much evidence towards it, there would always be skeptics. People often arrogantly believed themselves to be enlightened over all others, as if they had pierced through the veil while others remained trapped sheep in a pen. 

Such people took pride in their opinions, convinced they were right above all else. These very same people doubted that Draco or Riveting Night had the genuine talent to pull of what was necessary to rise to the top, so they either attributed it to hacks, preferential treatment, or dogshit luck at the beginning of the game. 

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