
A Pot of Pu’er

Sheng Jie cleared his throat, then said, "Boss Leng, you must remain calm, even after hearing the following things..."

"Speak up! If you have something to say, then say it!" Leng Yuchen's fingers kept pointing at the mouse, clicking it in order to replay the clip of An Qi running across the corridor from the elevator.

From her frightened expression, Leng Yuchen seemed to have figured out that, within this building, someone was purposefully pushing An Qi towards the fourth floor. Although the reason for this was unknown, since he was now aware of what was happening, Leng Yuchen couldn't just let it go.

Sheng Jie gulped and said, "According to our information, she has a daughter that is about four years old. The child's name is An Yufei, and the biological father is unknown."

While Sheng Jie was speaking, Leng Yuchen had found some new information on the video clip on the computer. After he'd enlarged the image repeatedly and had improved its clarity as much as possible, he saw a flash of a man's figure in the stairwell of the fourth floor, right where An Qi had started running from.

The man was dressed in black, was wearing black shoes, and had a duck-billed cap on his head. It looked like he must have studied the Leng Group's surveillance system beforehand, as he had masterfully avoided the majority of the close-up monitors perfectly, leaving his image only captured vaguely from far away. Even Leng Yuchen had to admit that this person was a master!

"What did you just say?" While he was preoccupied with this new discovery, Leng Yuchen completely missed what Sheng Jie had just reported.

As he moved his gaze away from the computer screen, his face looked a little puzzled. Seeing this, Sheng Jie shook his head, somewhat exasperated. At that moment, if Boss Leng were to know his thoughts, he'd probably be transferred directly to Africa for the next project!

"Leader, I just said that An Qi has a daughter named An Yufei," Sheng Jie repeated, while secretly rolling his eyes.

Shock, which felt like an electric current suddenly hitting his body, came over Leng Yuchen upon hearing this. He quickly walked in front of Sheng Jie, looked at the information in his hand, and studied it carefully. He studied it so seriously that he didn't even blink for several minutes.

After a long time, Leng Yuchen habitually took out a cigarette from his pocket and ligt it in a hurry. He felt slightly panicked. Meanwhile, Sheng Jie carefully stared at his face, not daring to speak.

Leng Yuchen inhaled a deep breath, and either because the smoke tasted wrong or his mood was too complex, he coughed, spit out a mouthful of smoke, then put out the cigarette.

"What can you see from this picture?" Leng Yuchen then asked, while pointing to the photographs that he had taken from a pile of nearby materials.

Sheng Jie's whole body immediately went cold. From the day Boss Leng had ordered him to investigate An Qi, Sheng Jie had known the place that An Qi held in his boss' heart.

After all, his predecessor, the poor man who was sent by Leng Yuchen to pick up An Qi from the hotel, had been unable to find a job after that day, since the entire city had been ordered by Leng Yuchen to boycott him. From now on, whoever gave that poor man a job would become an arch enemy of Leng Yuchen's! This showed the extreme importance of An Qi to the boss.

Sadly, the woman had a stain on her reputation, as she had an illegitimate daughter, whose biological father was unknown. Just thinking about how furious Boss Leng would be after discovering it caused Sheng Jie to tremble all over.

Sunshine shone on An Yufei's picture through the window. Her small nose, big eyes, and two sweet dimples melted Leng Yuchen's heart. Meanwhile, Sheng Jie was still trying to form words, as he did not know how to best comfort Boss Leng.

"I'm asking you a question! Do you have to think about such an obvious question for so long?" Leng Yuchen was very dissatisfied with Sheng Jie's silence.

"Well, how should I put it? The child really takes after her mother. She looks good and appears smart upon first sight, but… She is an illegitimate daughter, and as such, she will not be able to attend any official or big events." After Sheng Jie finished saying this, he laughed smartly, trying to lighten the mood.

Leng Yuchen's expression changed in an instant. "Think carefully before you speak!"


Is Boss Leng not happy that I chose my words with mercy?

Sheng Jie wondered at his boss' angry reaction, and frowned as he stretched out his hand to take the picture from Leng Yuchen's hand. But, just as his hand had touched the edge of the photo, Leng Yuchen immediately looked like a wolf that was protecting its food. His eyes were fierce as he stared at Sheng Jie, causing him to shiver, then quickly retract his hand.

Sheng Jie had no choice but to start talking about her once again, "Heh, I didn't see clearly just now. This child looks like she'd be unlucky, as she's so white, like a ghost almost! She doesn't even look like a person! Even her hair looks like sheep's wool, which means that she was obviously the product of her mother having illicit intercourse with a foreigner!"

The fact that An Qi would leave a guy, who had such good conditions, to go and frolic abroad, even coming back with a child, who had no father, made Sheng Jie ashamed for them just thinking about it. Sheng Jie was getting more excited the more he talked. At the same time, Leng Yuchen's blood pressure was also rising sharply.

However, he forced down the impulse to smash his fists into Sheng Jie's face, allowing him to continue to slander the pure An Qi and her daughter. The reason for this was very simple. If even Sheng Jie could say such bad things about the two of them, then it showed just how much An Qi must have suffered as an unmarried mother for the past five years.

Thinking of this, Leng Yuchen's chest felt stuffy, and the expression on his face was complex. He walked quietly to the tea tray and sipped some Pu'er tea. It seemed that only in this way could he extinguish the rising flames in his heart.

This side of Leng Yuchen was one that Sheng Jie had never seen before. However, Sheng Jie still boldly dared to come beside Leng Yuchen and continued to talk badly about An Qi and her family.

However, this time, as the words were flowing from Sheng Jie's mouth, Leng Yuchen suddenly poured a pot of Pu'er tea over his head, playing it off as if he had made a mistake!

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