
Horror Story

Jie hated Ru's habit of digressing from the real point. The worst part? She'd make you think. As in she'd make you look deep into your heart but would never do it herself!

"It's not like I can chase happiness," he let out a gloomy sigh and looked straight into her eyes. "You're the one who said that happiness is not something we can capture. Even if we try, it'll slip away from our hands."

Ru supported her face on the heel of her hand and looked amusingly at this cousin-brother of hers. "It's your own words that nobody is actually happy. Because there is no real definition of happiness."

"If you know me so well, why did you ask me that question then?" she shot back at him while wiggling her brows at him knowingly. Jie squinted his eyes at her while she languidly continued, "Happiness is indeed a myth but for those who don't know where to look for it."

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