
A persecutor

> The story can be a bit long so calm down and pay close attention because your species is at risk.

"What a cliché"

> Before we start, I'll let you know what I know about you.

And with a magic pass, a folder appears with my name.

Name: Marco Aurélio Age: 30

Height: 1, 80

Status: Married

Children: 0

Employment: Not relevant.

I glance at the index, which scared me to the bone.

"How so unimportant ..."

You know, Mr. Monochrome, your hobby is a little weird ....

# Monochrome, gives a twist of eye but did not say anything.

> Well Marcos, in our dimensional plane is like yours, the laws fundamental of energy. Still exists others differently among other types of energy unknown to you, following this line of reasoning we can conclude that nothing that draws us in its dimension .

>So why am I here?


> An organization was performing illegal experiments on a plane of existence above, so they searched for a well-located, low-relevance galaxy to conduct their experiments. So during the confrontation with our government things went to the extreme entailing in a multidimensional event so when interrogating one of the involved that we captured he gave us the data of the research when processing the data taking into account the type of experiment we arrived at the conclusion that like a stone played on a lake caused ripples between some parallel realities among other events.

Stop there.

#Our protagonist in a practically catatonic state invaded the bar and without thinking.

#What the fuck, the fuck, the fuck, the fuck, the fuck. What he wants with me ... I know I have my reveries to be a Hero but they are fucking dreams, I'm already married, I have to raise money to start a family "

Found it.

> Caution Marco, I need you to be aware, to drink Cachaça can be a bit exaggerated ..

You look like my expensive woman.

> ... X ..

# Filling the glasses.

I think we can continue now.

> So in a nutshell, some parallel realities will be merging and others will be playing shit in each other among other strange things like unknown beings and etc. due to the resonant effect of the experiment. Despite all this shit we can not physically interfere in the lower planes and save all species that will be affected due to a treaty with the higher realms.

As we were constrained by the rules, we sought some means of intervening then a breach in the agreement and we have the brilliant idea of ​​looking for sentient races and choosing three representatives of each species where we will allow them to live one in another world so that they may strengthen the specie to survive.

Hey Hey hey. Wait there only three people, you are superpower could do more. Not to mention that you did the shit and the agent has to clean.

> Marco, Marco, what's the difference between you and the ants and me and you? You're smart, do not make a fool of me.

> And we're being magnanimous enough to give you a chance.


> The three people chosen must be reputed people who are leaders in their fields such as political and scientific the selection process is institutional then so. Excuse me.

.... "I think he's making hour with me"

But I do not know what the fuck your representantis have in your heads, I do not know how you not killeds yourself, yet.

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