

After ensure the protection of her daughter, Ren was revenge to hurt her daughter. She call 2 tail beast, the beast knight armor beast, who is secure her daughter safety. Ren move head and look up where mortal flying, she said, you will get back my other children and students.

Ren husband said, we have to make plan to take on this mortals and creatures army.

Ren said, this bastard going to be the last to see himself. Ren used spell call pathram gchati (rock punch) all around rock become a monster and throw punch at mortal

Mortal shield with instant shield, mortal said, this is the enough strength for you hurt me, I hurt your daughter more than that.

Ren said, this is the reason, you pay for my daughter scars, she said, while teleport herself from mortal behind, Dragon hand

That make a big scare in the back part of body.

Ren husband said, you have to go with the plan. She ignore it.

Jenny brother and sister was still unconscious, Ren are fighting with mortal alone

Ren husband said, I am also going, you can take care of the army of that mortals

Saber run faster after it smell the jenny blood, saber aggression was so danger, saber run faster and faster.

Ren are fighting, mortal spell Shakti badhak (power seal) to Ren, Ren magical power get seal before Ren do another things. Ren forget in angry, she mistakenly pass through magical seal circle.

Mortal what are you going to do?

Ren reply, kill you

Ren husband attack from back of the mortal, he grab his throat and his sword was vanish.

Mortal, You both are going to die here,

Sushant and helguard said, you think you can beat us, sushant wans helguard was bindweed

Everyone listen the running toward direction,

Jenny spell magic in unconscious, saber the knight.

Mortal can't sense the presence of saber, he receive the punch and he move toward the ground and enough strength to make a big hole.

Mortal stand and wipe his blood, another stupid on my way,

Sushant and helguard, unseal the power of Ren.

Saber and winged lioness, take care of mortal, but both are not enough to compete with mortal.

Mortal strike with energy blast and saber move away and clash with tree.

Wingless lioness kitty, from sky, she knock with wing hammer in mortal, he stop it with finger. He tried to grab the hammer, but hammer break into separated wings, and turn them into sword and shield.

Mortal said, splendid you have that kind of power, but still you weak against me.

Ren said, they don't we did, sushant and helguard move fast to match their speed with helguard.

Sushnat and helguard distracting, mortal. Ren use transporting magic, send her husband to above mortal.

Mortal also transport magic and arrive at jenny place, where armor knight beast tried to stop him. But he take jenny to his globe where he carry the other student's body.

Miss tree and gorden tried to break the globe but they didn't even a scratch on it.

Jenny dreaming and spell magic of that, mu, mu wa ga war nahi ud mawkndjk kj hhd bd

Ren and other understand of the spell, ren said, she really met evil witch.

Mortal stop in air, his head was hurt, his body started to numb.

Mortal said, how you know this magic spell of soul separation.

Mortal never expect this, he can't oppose this magic, he already late

Ren spell, do do maade ne kori, jenny was transported to far away so she can't use this magic.

Mortal unconscious, gorden and miss tree, break the ball, recover the student they are alive

Sushnat and helguard take care of the mortal and capture him, death army also trying to capture helguard he stop him.

Miss Lilly came with the president of magical and external affair and capture mortal.

Helguard emotional when he Lilly and hue her and show his gratitude to Lilly.

President said, this is worst incident and we will punish former headmaster for his sins.

Ren shut jenny mouth and back with her transport back to the battle ground.

Hitesh and his classmate came to looking to jenny conditions, is she alright?

Ren ask, did she really met black witch?

Hitesh said, that magic spell she used on her, but we don't know how she manage to alive.

Ren heart was uneasy when she spell this magic, and most people heard this magic, she thinking what happen to jenny now. She break the rule again.

Hitesh said, we will never inform to anyone about her meeting with black witch.

Other teacher came and shut their mouth not to inform her breaking rule.

Ren husband came and said, you cloth is torn, you have to change it.

Saber and kitty ask, how is jenny?

Jenny hear the voice and awake and jump over saber.

Ren said, come down you hurt, we need take you to medical care.

Jenny move head up and down yes and went with her.

Saber and kitty also back to the stables for their wound heal,

Sushant said, that girl is more mystery that we thought,

Helguard ask, who is that girl? How she know that magic?

Sushant said, she is Ren daughter? You already know

Helguard ask, how dangerous magic she know at that age. This is dangerous for us, if any evil organization want her.

Sushant said, this is reason you appoint as new security adviser of campus, so show your face tomorrow and Miss Lilly, if you want you also join.

Helguard said, I marry then join,

Sushat said, Miss Lilly like you, she said in back there

Helguard move his head to Lilly, Lilly blushing and her heart beating very fast, helguard said, I have better choice not like that old lady

Lilly slap him and grab her ear and said, you are going to marry me no one else here.

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