
2007 NYC

Eli was tired she was working in Manhattan but living in Brooklyn. It was a 1hr and half commute but she was used to it. Ace was 3 and a handful. She was surviving and doing the best she could. She was working close to her mothers house and Aces school. It was easier so that her mom could pick up Ace from school. Ace loved spending time after school with his aunt Barbie at the barber shop/Salon. The guys loved having him around cause he was cute and smart for a 3yr old. He was also a chick magnet. The girls loved him. Eli ran from work to pick up Ace. God im so late she thought. She walked into the shop and Ace immediately ran Mami! he shouted. Your son is hilarious said one of the barbers. Thank you smiled Eli. As she walked out of the shop Ace suddenly let go of her hand and ran towards the street Ace!! cried Eli panicked suddenly he ran straight up to 2 boys who were crossing the street towards her. Reydi he cried out before leaping into his arms. Hey little man he said before picking him up. Hi Sam he said as he high fived the other one. when the two got closer she could see them clearly. The one holding Ace who he called Reydi was tall with the most beautiful blue eyes. He looked at her and her heart instantly skiped a beat. Her face started to blush and she felt so nervous. He was looking at her and she felt like she couldnt breath. He was so handsome. he was thin with long blond curly locks he wore a button down pink shirt with black dressy pants he looked so classic noble and dreamy like a prince from a fairy tale. she couldnt help but stare. Eli would never think a man like that would like her she was chubby with hazel eyes and long dirty blond hair. She had been hurt enough to know a guy like that would never look at her. The other boy Sam was a caramel tan Dressed in jeans sneakers and a white shirt he had brown eyes and had a very low ceaser cut. He was bulkier than Reydi with some face acne. He had a genuine sweet smile that could melt a girls heart. Eli smiled and looked down trying to hide her red cheeks. Is this your mom asked Reidy with a sparkling look in his eyes. Yes nodded Ace. She is beautiful said Reidy as he put Ace down and grabbed Eli by the hand.

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