
Lawyers and Cupids

As both his brothers left,Matt lost himself in thoughts of the past.He hoped that Al and his brother said yes to Neil's proposition.This was the best way to defeat that evil woman but also because they were perfect for each other.

Neil had tried multiple times to get them to meet up before this but some thing or the other always stopped them.Now this situation seemed like fate had finally decreed that it was the time for them to meet.

But based on 2nd bros previous attempts and the latest one ,it seems it was time to take out the big weapons!His eyes gleamed as he plotted to take his gifts to the respective persons.He was sure that once they saw his masterpieces both would be unable to say no..

His masterpieces were nothing but 2 small paintings.Though he hated painting people(you could almost never capture everything!)he had been too inspired and moved to not draw them.

And ironically,his first such painting was of Al and Ru.It was about six months ago,when he had been with Neil that he first saw Al.Her beauty was enough to capture the heart of any man. With dark long hair,mysterious black eyes and always smiling lips. He had seen her sitting on the grass with a small grubby boy.They had been trying to plant a flower into a pot but the mud was more on the boy than in the pot.He was ashamed to admit to himself and would never admit to anyone even under threat ,that he had not recognised his own nephew.He had assumed that his eccentric brother had hired a new housekeeper and the grubby boy was her son..Only after the boy saw him and ran towards him while shouting "Uncle Matt" did he break out of his daze.

There had been something weird about the situation which had not let him rest until he finished painting the scene..Only after finishing the painting did he finally realise what was different.The woman's eyes held the love of a mother.Her eyes,expression and body language was what made him initially believe that she was the boy's mother.And the boy's eyes were the happiest as he basked in the warmth of this pure relationship.

His second painting was also of Ru but this time with his brother.Both father and son had been playing softball in the yard and so lost in the game that they had eventually butted into each other and causing them both to lose balance and fall on their rumps hard..This had started a huge bout of laughter and both their expressions were reflections of each other.Ru's expression had reminded him that his brother had also been a carefree kid at one time.He hoped with Al joining in sharing his responsibilities his Big bro would be able to live those carefree moments again.

He rubbed his hands and thought to himself "Let's see Big bro and big sis-in-law how you escape the arrows of 2 cupids."

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