
A Chaotic Battlefield, Enemies at Every Direction and the Reinforcements in the Defense Line

Day 341 - 1:23 PM - Reclaimed City Airspace, Reclaimed City, Ruins of Tokyo

The final round finally began a war between six factions and their alliances.

The alliance between the Reclaimed City, Evernight, and the Auraboros Japan Branch was on the defensive. 

The second alliance would be between the [Infected] and the [Mechids]. It was not exactly an alliance, but since these creatures tend to ignore one another, their alliance was technical.

And lastly, the Serpent God with the [Miasmic Residues].

With all these forces present in this battle, the Reclaimed City had fully turned into a battleground.

And with the return of the Reclaimed City Alliance to the battle, their entry was with a miracle.

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