
Happy Birthday!

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. If I only went when you asked me," Dan said with wet eyes while holding Clark's both hands.

They are near the entertainment agency of Dona.

Everyone's busy planning how they will save Cj without hurting anyone in the building especially the kid.

"We have received a report that the men with Dona are armed, any wrong move, someone might get hurt," police said.

Everyone grew more worried about the news.

Sheen walks back and forth in front of Clark and Wyn.

"Hey, stop that, you're just exhausting yourself," Kady said while standing beside the police.

Sheen just looks at him with sharp eyes which screams 'Leave me alone' look.

Kady suddenly felt embarrassed, they just talked last night but he's acting as if nothing really happened.

Wyn sweatdrops, "Sheen, we'll get him, don't worry."

"Yes, so please, stay still, Sheen," Clark added.

Sheen didn't even listen and she walks farther from them and continued walking back and forth.

"She won't listen," Kady sighs.

"Well, it makes her feel at ease, what can we do?" Wyn laughs.

Clark just watches her, full of worry, while he's just waiting for the plan of the police like it's not his son's life at stake.

He still has a strong feeling that Cj will be alright, that he can take care of himself.

He believes in his son so much that he can't feel worried.

"Well, one of the men with Dona is a murderer, Sir. Both Sir Cj and Miss Dona might be in danger. He's known for using people to get what he wants even if it means taking a life," Mr. Rogers appears with papers in his hands.

It's the information of some men Dona hired to kidnap Cj.

Clark can't understand his feeling.

He felt the urge to run inside and take Cj.

His whole body turned cold as his mind suddenly went blank.

"Sir, please, calm yourself. Sir Cj needs you to be strong, don't worry," Mr. Rogers pat Clark's back.

'I'm worried?' he thought as he stares with a grimace at the murderer's photo.

"We'll start moving," the SWAT team told Clark.

He just nods while crumpling the paper in his hands.

They are hidden somewhere people do not usually walk by.

Dona's dressing room is on the 5th floor, a place where you can see what is happening below.

But from what they learned through the help of some staffs in the agency, Dona's room does not have any windows which is a piece of luck.

The police also realized that the murderer is really stupid, and from hiding for quite too long, there's a chance that he does not have the technology to spy what's happening around him.

Kady and Sheen sigh as they realize that the kidnapper is really stupid like their kidnapper before but it still ended badly which they didn't hope to happen today.

"Okay, Sir, we will enter now," the SWAT Team said through the radio.

Clark clenches his fist while he watches the SWAT take their move.

Sheen closes her eyes and begged the gods to protect Cj.

Dan taps his shoes while trembling.

Even though Cj's been kidnapped by more armored and dangerous people, the nervousness of people around him, especially by Clark made him afraid as well.

He also remembered that they are late for work and tons of things will be waiting for them when they get back.

Wyn looks at Sheen, she's trembling and fidgeting while her eyes are closed.

When he let her work here, he never thought that her life will stumble upon such dangerous events.

If he only knew Mr. White will bring so much trouble, he shouldn't have let Sheen go.

He wouldn't have broken the engagement that easily.

He sighs but a loud gunshot jolted him and Sheen jumps to hold his shirt.

She's trembling like crazy.

Even Kady froze.

The two remembered the day their stupid kidnapper died in front of them by being shot straight to his heart.

Clark's forehead creased, 'Why does it have to come to this? What happened?' he thought.

The radio suddenly sounded, "Sir, we shot two of the murderer. The others are now on their knees, we also captured the suspected kidnapper. Hey! Kid!"

"What happened?" Clark shouted worriedly at the radio.

Sheen and Kady gathered themselves and looks at Clark.

"He ran outside, sir. Please meet him, he seems to be shocked."

Everyone looks at the door where the SWAT team entered.

"Cj," Sheen whispers and ran to the door.

Clark threw the paper he was holding and ran as well.

The door opened wide with Cj running, pale and tired, he's still smiling.

He somehow felt like he just defeated the boss of a game.

Victory is in his hands.

'They're all stupid,' he thought.

Earlier, he noticed that there are a lot of people walking past by the dressing room and he knew that his father is already outside, on their way to get him so he decided to play the people around him to shift their focus.

"Well, you're taking all the money to yourself, Aunt Dona?" Cj asks Dona who's trimming her nails.

"Yeah, of course," she answered fast without even thinking.

The man who has a beard budged and took a step towards Dona.

"What did you say? Just for yourself? Are you begging the grim reaper to take you?" He said in a low and loud voice.

Dona stiffened, "N-no... I mean, yeah I'll take to pay you..." her face went pale.

She didn't know that the people she hired are all murderers before.

It's too late to back down when she found out.

"If that's your plan- to take everything by yourself, we might as well remove you from this world."

"No! No! You can have 50% of the money, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say those words," Dona stands up and steps away from the man.

Cj just sits on the couch relaxed.

If they kill him immediately, they can't have the money since there's no proof of him alive.

"Honestly, you're just a leverage here, woman. If we kill you, it's a normal thing... we're murderers after all." The man grins with a dark aura around him.

Dona falls on her knees, she let her guard down because of feeling annoyed by Sheen that she forgot that knives are pointed on her back.

As the man shoot the bullets in the gun, the door suddenly opened and the SWAT Team is standing outside to rescue Cj.

"MOMMY!" Cj shouted while his arms are open wide.

He's too happy that he won a game-like event in his life.

He knew that if his kidnappers are smart like him, he might've died.

Sheen, who's almost in tears, opens her arms and hugs Cj tightly.

Clark slows down when he saw that Cj's fine.

He doesn't have any wounds but he looks tired.

He smiled and he didn't notice that tears are streaming down his gorgeous face while his hands are trembling due to nervousness and worry.

Cj looks at him, he's annoyed but when he saw his father crying, he started trembling and fear crept in his body.

He stayed strong because he knows that his father is strong but now that he saw him worried and afraid, he crumbles down.

Sheen pats his back as she lets him cry loud.

Kady, Wyn and Dan sigh.

The SWAT team brings the kidnappers to the police but the three punched them and kicked them before they were put in the police car.

They pant after teaching the men lessons but their blood boiled once again when they saw Dona being dragged by police.

She's still resisting and her face is a mess, but when he saw Clark, her face sparkled like she did not kidnap Cj.

"Mr. White! Help me! I did not do anything!" She screamed but Clark didn't look at her.

"Mr. White!" She yelled while pushing the police.

But she was pushed inside with the other kidnappers in the police car.

Clark just stares at Cj, he's crying his fears out while he's in Sheen's hands.

He wants to hug him and comfort him but he's afraid.

"Happy birthday," Sheen whispers and kissed Cj's forehead.

Her warm greetings and hug hushed Cj's cries.

He looks at her.

Sheen smiles with gladness that the heavens protected him.

She's like a sun that shines brightly, almost blinding him.

Due to having a sleepless night and tiredness, his eyes slowly close and hugs Sheen tighter.

"Good night," Cj whispers and doze off.

Sheen looks at Clark.

He has the bitter and sad expression she never saw him use.

"Here, he's sleeping, don't worry. You can talk to him when he wakes up, don't worry."

Sheen carried Cj and gave him to Clark.

"I'm sleepy too, let's go back."

Sheen went to Wyn, "I'm sooooo sleepy, Wyn," she groans and went inside the car.

Kady and Dan went with the police while Wyn stares at Clark with despise.

'She's not safe with you,' Wyn thought.

He's sweet demeanor changed for a second.

He clenched his fist and clicked his tongue before going inside the car with Sheen.

His bodyguard drove them back to the condominium.

Mr. Rogers went to Clark, "Sir, let's go back."

Clark nods and walks towards the car.

He never felt more afraid in his life.

He never felt more worried.

He'd rather die than see Cj get hurt.

He wondered why he didn't feel the same thing when Cj was kidnapped before.

Is it because Sheen showed him the emotion he should have as a parent?

Was it because he grew up alone that he does not know what to feel for others, even to his son?

Clark kissed Cj's forehead as they drive home.

"Happy birthday," he whispers while Cj sleep soundly in his arms.

Thank you for reading~~

I am grateful to have such sweet supporting readers! <3 I love you all~ Mwahhh

Yannaaaacreators' thoughts
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