
Chapter 34- Over sized T shirts and pants that didn't hide their bottoms

The sun shone luminously through the window curtains. This was Archie's alarm for the day to come.

Archie started to tense at realising that today was the day in which she had to prove herself worthy in front of Christopher, in front of the judge, in front of a crowd who probably expected her to fail like all the other lawyers who attempted to argue against Adam. It was stressful enough thinking about what was to happen a few hours from now, but regardless, she got up, took a deep breath and prayed before walking to her desk and flipping through the records of evidence that she had gathered the evening before from numerous locations. She wasn't sure if it was enough but sighed before walking to her wardrobe to pick her lucky outfit.

The night before, as she looked through every detail of Adam Wayne's case, it became evident to her that the wrong was on his side and could be easily proven. His deal with Za'Niyah was nothing less than the behaviour of a man so confident of his doings; not concerned about a case that was filed, as if it were every day for him. The remaining complaints were also the same. Arson, petty theft, shoplifting, assault, forgery, theft of intellectual property… you name it.

The documents explained in great detail that Adam had stolen the logo of Za'Niyah's private firm which was still in the process of design at the time. At enquiring about the issue, he tried to assault her, threatening to release official papers of the company online, which she had no idea he had access to.

She had swayed to drop the case as per the advice of fellow staff but allowed it to remain in case it passed down to another lawyer who could have helped her, and somehow now, it has winded up at Archie's hands.

She was somewhat relieved.

Downstairs, mother Devi, Afsah and Augustin had already woken up before her and started to arrange her things to make the day a little less hectic. They were packing her handbag, preparing her lunch and anxiously walking around the mansion nervous for her.

As usual, the three watched as Archie made her way elegantly down the staircase with a blue cotton saree, embroidered subtly with gold.

"Are you ready?" Afsah asked smiling up at her.

"I think so." Archie said tightening the grip on her files.


At reaching the firm, she was immediately greeted with a very unenthusiastic Christopher whose face was proof enough of his non-existent expectations.

"We'll make our way to the court in 15 minutes. It's set for 8:40."


"Have you studied the case?"


"Okay. Well. Good luck… I guess."

His half-hearted wishes were irritating her but she thought about it positively. It could only make her more heated for the debate yet to come.


It was 8:25am. Archie had to constantly remind Christopher of the time and she was quite sick of it. She stormed into his office for the last time after waiting her 5th step of '2 minutes.'

Christopher was sitting on his office chair with his foot on his desk staring into space. At noticing her harshly swing the door, he jumped up from his seat and started to walk towards the exit silently as Archie watched him the way a mother would the 5th time she asks you to get out of bed.


Christopher and Archie were in Christopher's jeep driving to the court to present Adam's case.

"You didn't have to do this, you know. The chances of you succeeding is pretty slim to my opinion."

"I know. But it won't hurt to try. Za'Niyah's already given up. She doesn't even know that I took on this case."

"Well then, as you wish."


The court looked like an unpleasant combination of mental asylums around America. Gloomy, dark themed and no happiness in sight. Just plain vague murmuring around every nook and corner of the building.

As she approached the entrance of the courtroom, following Christopher, her heart started beating unbearably fast. She felt dizzy, seeing the situation. A sudden gush of anxiety, excitement and nervousness hit her at once leaving her overwhelmed and almost gasping for air when she grabbed onto Christopher's hands.

He turned around immediately in shock and bombarded her with questions as he kneeled to her level.

"You don't have to do this if you can't." "It's a goner anyways, don't stress yourself uselessly." "You're only starting. This is too much for anyone." "Do you want to leave now? It's not too late."

"I'm fine." She took a deep breath and lead the way into the court room clutching her file tightly.

A few minutes later, the previous crowd had dispersed and a new set had come in. There was so many that security guards had to send some out. Some sat on the floor and other's on stranger's laps. They all looked like gangsters and hippies, the typical tattoos, massive golden chains and oversized T shirts with pants that didn't hide their bottoms.

She felt perplexed, wondering why there was none with a different style. She started to feel alone and disheartened, seeing Christopher's hopeless expression when her eye caught a familiar face between the crowd.


As Archie was standing there all confused and out of place, a hand got a hold of her shoulder. She turned around to look at a man. A tall, huge man almost twice the size of everyone she knew. He was covered in tattoos, head to toe even his forehead. None if it made sense but it was enough to intimidate her and everyone watching. Unlike the crowd, he looked a little decent. Or was it just the suit.

"I never knew what to expect when I was told that someone was here to try show me behind the bars. But I'm almost saddened that the one they had chosen was someone like you. A blow from my mouth and you'll fly away."


"That's it?" He laughed, exposing his yellow teeth. Oh never mind they're gold. "I can't wait to see your face when I leave without a speck of dust on my suit."

Archie kept quiet and studied his arrogance. Too much for someone who looked like he lived in a trash can and whipped a suit around him for the sake of wearing clothes. And too much for someone who would be the slightest bit concerned for the consequences of all his crimes. There was definitely something wrong.

The session had begun and Archie had gotten a sight of Adam's lawyer. He had nothing special to describe other than a face so flabby that it nearly blocked his own vision.

"So, there has been a case filed against you for theft of intellectual property, assault and blackmail. Are you aware of that, Mr Wayne?" Archie spoke to Adam who was behind the wooden railings.

"I came to know. But anyone who knows me knows that's an utter lie!" His artificial decency flowed from his mouth, different to how he spoke to Archie just ten minutes ago.

"If that is so, would you like to explain to me the evidence that I have here?"

"Of course." His smirk was hidden from the judge but the crowd didn't seem concerned.

Archie took a piece of paper from her file and handed it to Adam.

"The former design of miss Abara's (Za'Niyah) new firm which is still in process."

Adam stared blankly at the piece of paper.

"No. This is the logo of my firm which had already opened a few months ago."

"Okay. So you're saying this is yours?"


"Well I'm saying it's not."

The crowd went quieter. A pin drop could be heard.

"When was your firm opened?" Her voice echoed

"3 months ago."

"Really? What if I told you that's incorrect?"

The crowd became uneasy.

"Objection." Adam's lawyer had stood up and was staring into the judge's eyes.

"No. Miss Krishna, you may Proceed."

He sat back down irritably

"Your company was opened two weeks ago, and was inaugurated by Mr Torie, manager of VicTorie lawyers."

Christopher scrunched his face in confusion from between the crowd before remembering that he had attended the inauguration of Adam's firm two weeks ago.

Adam gulped.

"That doesn't prove anything." He complained, quite unsure of what was yet to come.

"It proves that your company was established 3 months after the original planning of miss Abara's firm. The design that you claim to have was only ever introduced to your firm 2 days after it was released within very close members of miss Abara's business. This is the image she posted online after declaring it officially."

She presented the evidence to the judge. It was a screenshot of Za'Niyah's face book post. The date was circled in read. She looked over at Adam's lawyer only to meet his emotionless face.

Archie took another piece of paper from the file and handed it over to the judge.

"This is the email conversation between Mr Wayne and Miss Brown, one of the associates from Miss Abara's firm. She was one of the very few members who had seen the design and the only one to leak it to Mr Wayne."

The judge nodded in satisfaction then looked over at Adam's lawyer.

"Mr Johnson, do you have anything to add."

He thought for a while.

"What proof is there that this is valid? It could've easily been falsely created."

The judge looked at Archie who was already looking to her right at a woman standing at the doorway with her head facing the ground and her hands behind her back.

"Miss Brown, welcome." Archie spoke so confidently, a smirk almost escaping from her mouth.

- I'm not an expert in court interactions so if somethings wrong please forgive me, I don't know how it works, but I tried.

Deva_Meenakshicreators' thoughts
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