
Friendly professor

"It was then a small but an important role in a big film came for Pavan and my daughter was happy about it."

"After two months a scandal broke out saying Pavan dating his co actress. He explained everything to my daughter that it was all nothing but just a rumor and all fake."

"But my daughter's friends and who ever knew about her relationship with him teased her and pitied her. He couldn't deny it as it might affect the movie"

"My daughter never drinks and it was when she went to a class gathering she drank a little but she was drugged by her close friend"

There was an evil smirk on her face. "You know girls, the one who you believes and trusts the most will deceive you the most. "

"The dose is not fatal but under the influence of that, my daughter who was already in a depression ate the sleeping pills trying and tried to commit a suicide. The combination of sleeping pills, drink and drugs made a fatal influence and she was in coma for a while".

"It not only effected us but also Pavan. He felt guilty for not denying it in front of the public and he blamed himself for her situation. His acting worsened and he gave up acting which led my daughter to this. And in the end a false rumor cost two lives".

Shriya felt sorry for her lecturer and also for her daughter. She asked "How is your daughter now ?".

Kiranmai smiled but there was no life in it. She said "She was okay now but she still has problems socializing with people. But thankfully Pavan didn't give up on her. He was there for her all the time and it was his care that brought her back to us".

Sony said "That's a relief then." Professor shook her head "Now my daughter is in guilt. She blamed herself for his loss of career. He was passionate about acting and he giving up it made her sad. She tried to persuade him to act again and even he was trying for chances but it was not easy for someone who lost the cancer to bounce back."

"I feel entertainment industry is not as glamorous as it looks. It's full of people who wear masks and hide their true selves. It is full of politics and filth, a simple person cannot survive in this".

She then looked at Shriya and said "I didn't mean everyone there a few good people. It's just a generalized statement".

She then wiped her tears and said "People below you always want you to fall from the top and once that happens, they will try to reach the top by stepping on you."

She smiled and said "But it's a relief that Abhi is not some innocent man. But never let those scandals or rumors enter you brain and mess up your relationship." Shriya nodded with a smile.

"Sure mam. Thanks for the advice. I wi remember it." Shriya said politely and she felt a deep sense of relation with her professor.

They got back to work but was listening to their professor. She said "When I first learned about you and Abhi through principal, I could connect you with my daughter. And when the scandal broke out about you and Abhi, I was worried."

"But fortunately Abhi handled the issue very sensitively. Both he and his friend are icebergs. Fortunately Abhi is gentle to you. But Kunal .....?".

Shriya turned her head to look at Sony who stood frozen and Brahmini asked "What happened man, what about Kunal ?".

Kiranmai said "That man Rajput is so cold. Last time when he came to our college as a guest, there was a layer of ice surrounding him and he gave me chills. I feel pity for his girlfriend though I doubt if he has one ?"

Shriya and Brahmini laughed while Sony made a poker face but her cheeks became a little red.

Kiranmai was a little shocked and asked "What happened?". She was not in her usual professor attitude. She was just like any other gossipy woman out there chatting with her friends. She was completely relaxed and let them do the work.

Sony hurriedly said and waved her hands in the air "No nothing mam, we just remembered a joke".

Shriya nodded and said "Yes mam, the funniest one".

Dr. Kiranmai understood that they were trying to hide something from her and said "Comeon kids. I told you everything because I thought of you as my kids. You can tell me anything."

Brahmini said while showing her hands towards her friend "Well, Kunal's girlfriend is our Sony. They are seeing each other".

Dr. Kiranmai was shocked "What ? Doesn't he hate women ? I even heard a gossip that he might like men?".

The girls were shocked by these sudden words and their jaws almost fell to the ground. Sony was utterly embarrassed but said in a very low voice "Even I heard about that".

Dr. Kiranmai felt bad and said "I am sorry. I already told there are all kinds of rumors in the industry and what I heard is a part of them, I guess. Sorry".

Sony nodded and said "Its okay mam." Shriya felt bad for her friend. She then looked at her professor and asked "You know so much about the gossip in the industry".

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