
Anticipating Actions

Ever since the coffin was destroyed, Izroth felt that something was off.

He knew that since he completed the quest and received its rewards that the Night Lord Zarolas' revival had been successfully stopped. He also understood the impending danger of allowing the spatial rift to finish stabilizing. However, there was this nagging feeling constantly ringing in the back of his mind—a warning that something was not right. It was not his Soul Sense giving this sensation; rather, it was the result of his natural intuition. And, so far, it's always done him more good than harm not to ignore it. The problem was that there was not a lot of time left to dig any further than what appeared on the surface level.

'At its current rate of absorption, we have less than one minute until it finishes consuming the energy in the chamber. Then... Why is it not showing up?'

Izroth closed his eyes as he entered a state of deep contemplation.

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