

Alin "see there is a thing when you travel time you have to bind by its rules or something or it will go bad for you that was I heard".

Sara "so your being here is bad for your self"

Alin "no it was like if you do something bad like stealing something when you get punished by it"

Sara "well, of course, I will catch that person my self".

Alin while ignoring " well if you do something to change time. is equal, as stealing from someone but whole different level see this storm is for me to change the history it is my punishment"

Sara "so what did you do to be punished by nature"

Alin "see well where I came from there is a story of a princess who is so sad that she took her own life her country destroyed, her family got murdered all of her loved ones die in front of her"

Sara "it is a tragic story "

Alin "so when I travel here I change some of it I change her start of the struggle. but because of that, that storm is looking for me".

Sara "so you are saying that tragic story is of the story of her majesty Eliza"

I nod

Sara "so you are saying that is my country is going to ruin by whom".

Alin "I already told you enough you want me to die here you know if I die here I can't go back Right"

Sara "so you are saying more you tell more you got in trouble"

Alin "by the look of it, so I am going away to keep you guys safe lightning might strike at the entrance any time".

after I said that I turn to exit and start to move, but this time again Sara grab my back strongly and said.

Sara "I will not let you go"

get a room you too

BillyRazcreators' thoughts
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