
Ice Queen (Cresta's POV)


No one says a sound until the silence is broken by the girl's twittering laughter. It's so high, it gives me the creeps. Then, she bends down and whispers something in Aron's ear. He goes redder than I've ever seen him then rushes off.

"What did you say to him?" Aliana asks.

"Oh, nothing much, I've just never experienced being courted to~"


"Oh phoo! Just let me have my fun will you, it won't hurt him!"

I hear Aliana mutter, "rather, sap his mental and emotional energy trying to please you."

I freeze when I hear this. THAT IDIOT! Is he serious?! He's been plenty idiotic before but this has got to take the cake! He has no interest in the independent cool warrior woman and instead picks the childish, creepy, girl who doesn't even take him seriously and who's so pale she doesn't even look human! Skin so white it's almost like...ice? Wait-ice?! It couldn't be-

I rush forward and lift up the white girl's arm and underneath her upper arm, just above the armpit-is a little heart shaped mark.

I jerk back as if burned, shaking my head. No, no, no, NO, NO, NO NO NONONONONO-

She-The Ice Queen fixes her pale eyes-demon eyes, on me. She can tell I've found out. I'm dead, about to be swallowed up by those almost translucent orbs, she's going to-

"What's going on here?"

It's Aliana, she's looking between the two of us quizzically.

The Ice Queen continues to fix her gaze on me and in them I see a warning. She could very easily take my life with just the snap of a finger...

But she won't. Not while Aliana's here. Not while I don't tell. I can see it in her eyes.

One more heartbeat of threatening me with her eyes-then the ferocious pressure lifts and she goes back to being innocent and childlike. How can someone switch faces so fast? The thought crosses my mind but I'm to busy relieving in my near death experience.

At the same time seeing that mark on her arm brought back memories; and not the sunshiny kind. Dark dank rooms, cages, and that disgustingly sweet voice-

"Cresta?" I snap back, it's Aliana, she's looking at me worriedly.


"I was just wondering if you wanted to continue resting. Morna's gone to play with-err, find your brother. So we may be here for a little while."

As soon as I hear that name I internally shudder. How can Aron have fallen for the Ice Queen of all people?! But, there's nothing I can do about it...yet.

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