
Trust in Your Friend

Dragon Palace Home #10.

When Lin Yehan and Yu Mo arrived at the mansion later that evening, Iris was accompanying Jin Liwei in the kitchen for his late dinner. Jin Liwei just returned home from work. Iris and the others already ate dinner earlier. Since Lin Yehan and Yu Mo hadn't eaten yet, they also joined their third brother.

Lin Yehan was restless. "Where's Miss Jiang? How is she feeling? Is she okay? No, what a stupid question. She obviously won't be okay."

"Ying Yue is already asleep in her room when I got home," Iris replied. "Clover said that she looked exhausted and terrible which is understandable given what she went through during the court hearing today." Her expression became dark. She hissed, "I heard about the baseless accusations thrown at her. How dare he?! That man is not my brother! I have no brother who's a stupid and malicious craven!"

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