
Mother Missed You Sooooooo Much!

"Helloooooo, my beautiful daughter~ Mother missed you sooooo much!" Wei Lan's dramatic (and slightly annoying) voice said through the phone.

Iris allowed the woman to talk and talk and talk. When Wei Lan continued to chatter without any signs of stopping, Iris began feeling impatient. She was exhausted with everything that happened earlier tonight. She just want to sleep, especially since she still had to wake up early the next morning for work. She had no time for Wei Lan's useless chatter.

"Mother, did you have something important to tell me?" she interrupted the older woman. "It's already so late. I still have work tomorrow."

"Ooooh! Why didn't you say so? Honey, you should've interrupted me sooner!" Wei Lan cried. "A lady's beauty sleep is super important! Like the most important ever! But yes, I called because I wanted to tell you something important. Like super important! Oh my goooodness! I almost forgot about it!"

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