
Motherly affections of creators

Hai Jingyi stood straight a tired smile on his face,

"Hua Fang why are you here?"

Ah, Hua Fang his other precious creation, cunning and proud.

the destroyer of the Hóng fènghuáng sect, why did he burn down the very people who'd raised him?

Power, the secrets of the sect were only accessible to a some he wanted them but Na Nuan told him he wasn't worthy leading to the biggest tantrum ever thrown, thinking back on it the plot could really be written better.

the man smiled,

ha! how cliche, the ever smiling villain pitted against the stoic male lead, where was that Tai Qiang? he wanted to burn this image into his memory,

"my beautiful creations together! what a vision!"

he couldn't help but beam at Hua Fang I know you are a terrible person with the long list of murders in your name but I made you so I love you!

This is surely Motherly love.

Hua Fang, the other male with a staggering amount of doujinshis written about him; if he were to ever read them that pale face of his would turn green, your fans are truly just as dark hearted as you are,

if not more demented.

"Hai Jingyi, are you staying here now?"

"You didn't answer me."

"Hunting, they were hungry I let them feed."

"Ah, Hua Fang my beloved psychopath you really are terrible," he thought but didn't say.

Hai Jingyi scoffed steadying himself for a fight it would be weird if he didn't act vicious towards this guy since he destroyed this bodies original home and all but come on look at that face I worked so hard on it I don't wanna ruin it.

Dark brown hair framing clear eyes tinged red with insanity a noble nose high cheekbones and lush lips ah, the girls and a few boys loved him, a good product.

The world finally stopped spinning and Hai Jingyi could finally focus watching Hua Fang as he drew his sword he was the fastest character in the game on par with Tai Qiang <see what a good match they made pity they had no chemistry> so Hai Jingyi didn't even hesitate plucking a petal from the fire lily using it as a carrier for the code.

"Wont you come with me little Jingyi? we are still sect brothers I do not want to harm you."

tell me that when you're not holding a bloody sword. (⊙_☉)

"Are you stupid? You literally killed everyone we knew and set their bodies on fire! Get lost before I get angrier,"

he closed of the energy in the petals compressing them till he felt they would burst, the red of the flower crystallizing to white as it hardened and crackled into a snow flake, he let it fall watching as it slowly glided to the floor this was a simple code he could do it in his sleep plus it guaranteed 100 percent damage.

It's build up time wasn't long and there was a lag in the execution as well as one key requirement: no key characters must be within one hundred yards.

"Are you sure you want to fight me little Jingyi,"

"Nope!" he turned and bolted,

Running off as soon as the petal dissolved into the ground leaving behind a very confused Hua Fang.

He really didn't expect Hai Jingyi to run off still he gave chase, it had been a while since they played cat and mouse.

"Tai Qiang! We have to get out of here!"

The clock was ticking thirty seconds they had to be gone in thirty seconds or it wouldn't work he took a corner hearing Hua fangs footsteps behind him

"Catch me if you can you damned mother fucker!" he called out racing like a horse with its tail on fire.

*Yes keep following me just a few more yards*

Hai Jingyi realized this body really was fast a little weak but at least it had some Mileage he turned following the rather angry aura of a man hell bent on destroying all demons,

*That's all fine and dandy Tai Qiang but we'll be shredded if we don't leave in the next fifteen seconds, *

Spotting the man on a roof slicing through the demons whose black blood glittered in the light like black pearls, hair dark as night billowing in the wind eyes wild with blood lust, just like the cut scene before the final boss battle.

"Tai Qiang!" he yelled again, the man being called stood watching a flurry of dark hair and powder blue robes run up to him closely followed by a man in black,

"Hua fang," he thought, "Finally a proper challenge."

he drew his sword from a demons skull on the ledge of a roof

he jumped down gearing up to fight just as Hai Jingyi tackled him and a flurry of colors followed by a now familiar but very unsettling sensation.

He found himself under a severely weakened Hai Jingyi, who was panting hard as if he'd just ran one hundred miles, the man in question rolled of off him laughing,

"Were alive!"

Tai Qiang was about to ask him what he meant when a everything suddenly went silent, the air was too heavy, everything stilled even the grass swaying paused before Hai Jingyi threw himself onto Tai Qiang covering his ears before a loud explosion rang out in to the mountains echoing to even the lands beyond

had he not been under Hai Jingyi he would have witnessed a massive tower of light descend on the village bathing in in pure gentle white and gold colors no demon survived that only the earth remained and the buildings as they were before and a red eyed demon lord stood very much impressed,

so these were the techniques Na Nuan hid so well.

His little sect brother had the knowledge he sought convincing him to come to his side would not be easy but it wasn't impossible, after all Hai Jingyi didn't hate him that much was clear in his eyes,

hate was an ocean he couldn't cross but anger was a fire that could be doused and all he'd felt from him was anger,

he sheathed his sword as a flurry of smoke enveloped him, he'd get the little cat to join him soon enough.

Hua Fang faded from sight dissolving into the smoke wisps with a cold smile on his face

"Very soon,"

Back on the mountain, Tai Qiang was concerned.

"Hai Jingyi, can you stand?" there was no response the man lay unconscious red lips parted by a slack jaw he would have thought he was dead if not for the loud heart beat beating over his own Tai Qiang sat up holding a sleeping Hai Jingyi wondering what on earth he had done he lay him on the grass before flying up into the sky hoping to see what that explosion was he was surprised to find the village completely intact there wasn't even a trace of the demons attack everything was as it was before.

He heard Hai Jingyi stir moving to assist he picked him up carrying him like a bride he got on his sword and flew back to the sect.

hmmmm should i start the romance now...or??????? naaah lets have a pining boi first

*No heart shaped fire today im low on gass must have smoothoe to recharge

lazyredragoncreators' thoughts
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