
Chapter 32: A Date With Weiss! Part 1

I was waiting outside for Weiss to show up but it takes a bit more longer then i thought.

Gin: Hmm where is she? She told me to wait here in 15 min but it has gone 30! Hmm should look at some of the students skills while i wait.

Gin looked around and saw Cardin and began to scan him.

[Cardin Winchester]









Then he saw a random student Hunter.

[??? ???]









Gin: Hm, i see, so compare Cardin's stats to an normal student is good, and it would seem that Cardin is superior on some part while other... well lets compare it to me?








[Semblence: "Gravity".]

Gin: Yieks! Im a little too strong against him. Well its no surprise really, with my semblence "Gravity" i could train in heavy conditions that helps my point stats increase. (More in strenght then he relised.)

Weiss: Im sorry, it took some time!!

Gin was still using his scaning ability and looked at Weiss.

[Weiss Schnee]








[Semblence: "Glyph".]

Gin: {Wow, she is looking good and with her stats like agility and intelligent she could outclass almost everyone in class!}

Gin: I see you changed back to your regular clothes.

Weiss: Well we are going out, so i thought to dress for it.

Gin: Haa.... Well you look Beautiful.

Weiss: W-Well then, Lets go! (Blushes)

Gin: Where are we going?

Weiss: To an Dust shop in downtown Vale.

Gin:.....That's it?

Weiss: That's it.

Gin: Well, i love to accompany you but why couldn't you ask Ruby, or any of your other teammates?

Weiss: "sigh" Becase i'd like to do this low-profile, take my time and have someone to make some decent conversation about Dust with, And.....i wanted to talk to you.

Gin: Aww, that's sweet.

Weiss: And i don't really want to go with Ruby.

Gin:....Huh Why?

Weiss: Well, some days ago when we were shopping.


Ruby: Oh my gosh oh my gosh! This is so cool! Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee, BFFs extraordinare (Best Friend Forever), on a friend only outing and a mission for dust! Oh! Oh! And maybe later we can get ice-cream! What do you say Weiss?!


Ruby: Weiss? Weiss? Weiss? Weiss?

[End Of Flashback]

Weiss: She won't stop nagging me!! Also Yang and Blake had other stuff to do today.

Gin:.....I see your point. I'll be more then glad to accompany you.

Weiss: Fantastic! Lets go then!

The Bullhead (Aircraft) ride is short and uneventful and then we arrive to downtown.

Gin: {Hmm? Why is she looking around, like someone is following her?} Weiss?

Weiss: Yes?

Gin: Did you tell anyone you were coming here?

Weiss: O-Of course i did!

Gin: You suuuuure you didn't leave with an excuse about the library or something?

Weiss: H-How rude, Don't you know you're not supposed to question a lady about times she takes to prepare-

"Phone Ringing"

Gin: {Hmm? my phone is ringing.} Oh its Ruby.

Weiss: Don't answer that!

Gin looks at Weiss and had a grin slowly blossoms from his face.

Gin: Why? If you told her you were going out to Vale, then whats the problem?

Weiss: Uhhmm...

Gin: (Answers the Phone) Gin here!

Ruby: Hey Gin!

Gin: Hey Ruby, How's it going?

Ruby: Listen, Have you seen Weiss? I've been trying to contact her for awhile now but she's not answering her phone.

Author: (Its scroll but like to use phone for now)

Gin: If i've seen Weiss you say? (Looks at Weiss)

Weiss put her hand together and almost looks like she pray's that i don't tell Ruby.

Gin:....Im in Vale right now. I'm not certain but i think i may seen her on the Bullhead.

Ruby: What!? Why didn't she tell me?! And why she not answering her phone?!

Gin: Maybe she put it on quiet?

Ruby: Ohhhh.... you're right. Still, she could have told me.....(Grumubles)

Gin: True. If i see her, i'll tell her to call you, alright?

Ruby: Thanks, sorry for being a bother.

Gin: Nonsense! Have a nice day, Ruby. (Hangs up)

Weiss: Thanks for covering for me.

Gin: You'd better have a good excuse ready, though.

Weiss: I do, i do. I thought of everything, don't worry and thanks again, i make it worth your while.

Gin: Glad you do.... lets continue.

Weiss: Yes, Shall we.

Gin: So, What makes this shop so special?

Weiss: Uhm... I guess the Schnee heiress going to non-family owned shops does look a little weird.

Gin: Not really, just that if it makes you happy then go for it! But i am curious.

Weiss: Well i will tell you more about it on the way.

Gin: Okey, Oh there is an ice-cream truck, do you want anything.

Weiss: Vanilla ice, please

Gin: Coming right up.

Gin went and bought two ice-creams and got gave one of them to Weiss.

Weiss: Atleast you know not to make me wait.

Gin: Hahaha, Of course! i will not let a fair maiden be with out her sweets for long!

Weiss: "giggles" Oh you! Ah but we still need to talk about what happend to you!?

Gin: Ahh..... yeah i will explain.

Hey guys i will make it parts on this chapter and was just wondering, if you want mass release instead of chapter a day? And what you think so far how this novel is going? Ah and forgot to ask if my ”Fight Choreography” with the fight against Nora was good? I tried to improve on that scen.

Glacecreators' thoughts
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