
The Two Bishops

"Everything is going great!" Blueberry smiles running around me with her arms out "But its been quiet without you"

I frown at her comment, feeling bad but its a necessary for me, the mansion just doesn't feel the same "I'm sorry for always leaving you" At that moment I didn't said the word 'su' to end my sentence, a sign that showed genuine sadness

Blueberry notices this sign right away and attempts to cheer me up, "Big sis don't be sad!" She stops running around me and stands in front of me "If you become sad I will be sadder and I will cry so please keep smiling!"

With that whats the point of keeping my frown? I smile again and I pick her up, "Alright I'll keep my smile for you su"

"Yaay!" She said cheerfully after hearing my comment

I have a hard time keeping her on my weak arms but I don't let her fall "Lets eat lunch now su" I said as I walked to the tables

The maids walked to pull two chairs together back, and another set walked out the door, carrying a long selection of foods.

"Okie!" She said as she hopped down from my arms and to the chair assigned to her.

I too sat down on my chair and placed the napkin on my lap, eating the food set down in the table

Blueberry constantly looked at me then back, following my actions: the napkin to the lap and the proper utensils.

As lunch went on she'd constantly ask help with cutting up some of the food, in the end I cut up every part of the food for her, the maids would then replace the emptied plates with new ones, and replace the food the blueberry doesn't want because she's a picky eater.

Lunch ends with the noise of just the utensils hitting the plates echoing in the room, Caren opens the door "Cherry, the meeting is about to start soon"

I were startled but composed myself, "Okay, please bring me there" Caren nodded and grabbed my hand and took me to the hallways.

"How was it? meeting your sister I mean" She asked me as we both walked to the door we're supposed to go to.

How exactly was it though, I mean sure I missed her but as far as I know she doesn't understand her place in this house, I lower my head both my eyebrows raised in worry.

Not recieving a response, she looks down to me to check what took so long to answer letting out a quiet sigh "So you still think the same way in this house?"

The same way? Well of course I do! looking back at how I am being treated here, and to how I was treated 'there' I feel like this place is much less of a home than the cave.

Speaking in a low voice so that the people in the rooms don't hear me "Caren. . You've seen for yourself how I'm treated there, you've seen the big differences in my smile there" My face remains frozen, and empty.

From the looks of it Caren had noticed it as well, so she asked one last time before we entered the place. "You hate this place don't you?"

I look ahead of me seeing a door, "Yes, this place is just the worst" Caren opens the door after I say it.

My father at the tallest chair in the long table, stood up "Admiral rise to see your soon to be wife Cherry Heventue!" My father said with a proud smile

The Admiral stood up and smiled, setting down the glass of wine "Truly you've produced quite the beautiful girl"

They call me by many names, all of them describe me well as an object, not just most of my family members but even most the maids: the people I can call my only friends. I'm just a chess piece in this house of games. .

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