
second pokemon

I open my eyes to see a yellow-gold Azar sitting on my lap and Delia chasing her squirtle while laughing......what the f****.

"Oh your awake, you got us worried after 10 minutes so we came looking for you and found you sleeping on this tree, are you alright?" Delia asks with concern.

"Im..............tch none of your business, lets get a move on" I pick Azar off me, get up and start walking towards pewter town without even looking at Delia for agreement.

'Eve find me the nearest lake, I think im gonna get a water pokemon for now' I speak casually.

'....you kissed me.....you kissed me....' Eve keeps repeating the same sentence.

'yeah it was just a thank you kiss, stop thinking weird things. FIND ME A LAKE!' I emphasize my desire for a lake.

' It makes sense that you don't fully understand what a kiss implicates I guess..... turn left here and you should find it in 500 meters' Eve says in a sulky tone.

"hey Adam your going the wrong way! Were meant to go straight here.............grrrrr ignoring me again, fine lets have it your way hmph" Delia follows with heavy footsteps.

Eventually we reach the lake, I release Azar and order her to stay out of the water, I then pretend to pull out a diving suit an oxygen tank.

" you guys wait here, im gonna go check out the lake" I quickly jump in before Delia can counter.

" How the hell did you pull all of that out of your tiny bag!!! Dammit, squirtle keep an eye on him and help him if he needs it please" Delia commands with anxiety.


'Eve be of some use and use the pokemon scan for water types'

'what do you mean use?!?! your useless, stupid tsundere' Eve counters.

'tch...just give me a list of pokemon nearby already' I say while trying to hide my embarrassment.

{pokemon scan}

magikarp: 100

psyduck: 70

poliwag: 40

gyarados: 3

mudkip: 1

'Eve show me where the mudkip is' I ask with clear excitement

'Its directly below you, seems like its not moving at all' Eve responds quickly.

as soon as I hear that I start heading down by using my telekinesis to propel me, eventually I pass a bunch of poliwag, pysduck and magikarp. Eve tells me mudkip is still further down but my body can't seem to take the pressure so I make a sphere of telekenetic power to relieve the pressure and then I continue my downward swim so I carry on swimming for another 10 minutes.

I eventually encounter an underwater cave, I enter the cave and notice lots of glowing stalactites lighting up the way as I swim upwards until I eventually reach a small piece of land with no water on it, I clib up onto the piece of land, take my mask off and notice something breathing in the corner of land........is that a.............purple mudkip?

'Adam save her quickly!!!' Eve buys a pokemon nutrition pack of food which appears in my hand as she shouts.

-50 Sp

I quickly understand Eves intentions and run up to the mudkip, open its mouth, tear open the pack with my teeth and poor the food down its throat. As im holding her I notice her fins being broken and a few of her ribs being broken too so I buy an ultra potion and also pour it down her throat. I then watch as her body visibly heals and her breathing rate becomes stable. I then sigh in relief and thank Eve for her quick thinking.

After about 10 minutes the purple mudkip wakes up, she looks directly into my eyes while contemplating.

"do you mind telling me what happened? Im a bit special so ill be able to understand what your saying" I speak in a soothing voice.

"your eyes are pretty" the mudkips child like voice states.

"really not the response I was expecting" I try to crack a joke to lighten up the mood.

suddenly the mudkip gets up, walks towards me, and rubs its head against my arm where she then suddenly breaks down crying.

"I was so scared..............*hic*................so hungry...................*hic*...............thank you................thank you for saving me"

I hear her cries and I can relate, I eventually wrap my arms around her and put her into a hug................this calmed me down so maybe it'll do the same for you.

'learn from the best huh' Eve teases

'f**** off' I counter hiding my embarrassment once again.

eventually the mudkip calms down sits opposite me and tells her story.

"It was just a normal day a month after hatching from my egg and I was going for a swim looking for seaweed to eat, but while I was underwater the weather turned for the worst, I tried to escape but...........I just couldnt, a whirlpool had formed, beating me to the state you saw previously while also forcing me into this cave. If only I was stronger, maybe I could have saved some of those poor magikarp. I woke up here with broken fins and broken bones, I couldn't swim because of the damage to my body..........a week past and this piece of land ran out of food..............another week past..........another week .................eventually you came and saved me...............and now were here" the mudkip explains.

"its alright now, im here.........................you want to get stronger right? why not come with me?" I ask with glimmer of excitement.

'I didn't know a system like me could experience deja vu' Eve pulls one her comments again.

'make fun of me again and ill ignore you' I fight back with a pitiful return.

'tsundere........' Eve mutters under her breath.


"haha I always intended to come with you, I was just about to beg" As the purple mudkip ends her sentence she headbutts a pokeball and enters it.

*zzz* *zzz* *zzz* *ting*

{mission complete}

task: catch your first pokemon

reward: 10,000 SP and random pokemon bloodline ticket.

Yes a new pokemon!!! and im getting another bloodline!!! this really couldnt get any better.

After my short celebration and a small round of Eve making fun of my 'sick moves' I put my suit back on, swim back up, meet squirtle on the way and eventually reach the surface where I climb onto the ground and eventually stand up.

for some reason Delia's running towards me at full pace screaming something I can't hear since my oxygen mask on, suddenly she pushes me to the side and I fall due to wearing flippers, as im falling I see a gyarados smack Delia with its tail...........I see her fly a few meters before landing on the ground unconscious............

got any suggestions for the new blood line?

senslesscreators' thoughts
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